Director Sarah’s Elevator Speech: Finding Hope, Love, and Support in a Powerful Film

Please join me and welcome me,
Director Sarah. Doesn’t matter.
You guys want to know something really funny?
We just got stuck in an elevator together.
Yes, we did.
Are we calling for help?
It’s not even gonna work. My phone is also equally nervous.
You are so funny.
No, I don’t even have to pee anymore.
We spent a lot of time trying to get this phone made.
So many people, hundreds of people,
poured their hearts and their souls into it.
Colleen Hoover wrote a beautiful book that’s helped so many people.
This is a film about hope.
It’s about love. And it’s also about active partner violence,
which is a real thing, and we don’t talk about it enough.
So I just want to say,
if you see anybody after the movie that is having an experience,
um, maybe by themselves and crying,
um, maybe consider just going up to them
and offering them support in some way.
So thank you for coming to this theater.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for supporting.
I love you all. And enjoy the film.