The Intriguing Rule of the Rouge: Exploring the Unique Evolution of Canadian Football

You are not going to believe this rule.
In Canadian football you can miss a field goal,
it can go wide left, can go wide right,
but as long as it clears the end zone you get one point.
My American mind cannot comprehend this.
And this team just won on a missed field goal.
Look, they missed the field goal,
it’s a tie game,
the time expires and they’re celebrating cause they get one point.
They won the game on a missed field goal.
I have watched the NFL for my entire life,
but I have not watched a lick of Canadian football
so I had to do some research.
So yeah, in the Canadian Football League
you can miss a field goal but still get one point.
And it’s called a rouge. I found myself on Canadian football Reddit
and a lot of people have no issue with the rule.
They’re defending the rouge.
Once it’s crossed the goal line,
it’s a goal. I just don’t really understand it.
Like can’t you just whack the ball as hard as you can?
Doesn’t matter if it goes through the uprights,
just settle for one point constantly.
Other factors too, like the Canadian football end zone is 20 yards deep
as opposed to 10 yards.
The field goal post is also right in the front of the end zone,
so I guess there’s more returns on the missed kicks.
But honestly my American mind is just not comprehending this.