Mary’s Hospital Adventure: Numb Hands, Hot Lava Pain, and Doctor Drama

Hi, everybody. It’s Mary. How are you? I am still alive. Thank you for all the messages that I receive. Okay, so yes, I was in the hospital again. It started few days ago and I woke up in my both hands were numb, right? And I was thinking maybe I slept bunny, I’m old. She like that happens all the time. But then the next evening, I proceeded to have some severe pain, like down my left arm. Me being me. I ignored it until I couldn’t ignore it anymore. The closest feeling that I can describe to you is it felt like somebody was taking boiling hot lava and dumping it down my left arm. And all the lava was filling up in my left hand. And so my left hand wanted to explode.

So, yeah, it was very unpleasant. I went to the, and Oakley and I was thinking about my, in London when I almost died from pneumonia. And that handsome doctor that looked like Petra Pascal. Anyway, that had happened. This hospital, just crazy people and yelling. And my anxiety went through the roof. And I finally, I went to the front desk and told this gentleman, I’m like, I’d, this is just like crazy time. I’m like, I think I need to get out of here. And he’s like, what? He got real sassy with me. Anyway, I like him. Had a set cat scan down on my. Had a neck and my arm and I had the, are they puppy full of the stuff and it makes you feel like boiling hot tea. It’s running down until your netherregions. And that is another one. Really uncomfortable. Also, they did bloodwork. They all came back normal, all of it. Then he took like a sonogram of my wrist to make sure. I guess this is all for blood flow and making sure that I not gonna die of a blood clot or a heart attack or anything like that. And everything came back just great. And so he was like, well, I’m gonna give you some anti inflammatories. If it gets worse, then you’re gonna have to go find a surgeon. So bye. Thanks, sir. So they don’t know what it is. They think it may be something called thoracic outlet syndrome. And that’s basically when your scaling muscles and your collar bone attached and there’s like a first ribs, also called first ribs rib syndrome. It might be different. So don’t cool me on that one. But, and it basically compresses nerves and veins and things like that and causes like a lot of pain. He thinks that maybe that’s maybe something else and whatever.

So I’m on my anti inflammatories. I am feeling better, but I’m not supposed to be doing very much. And I found that I don’t do well doing nothing. I watch house of the Dragons today. I’m not supposed to be doing cut chores or anything with my arms. That ain’t happening. So yeah, I just, I’m disregarding doctor’s orders and just whatever I think power through this 2024 will not kill me. It won’t. So I appreciate all of you and your concern.

The bar is coming along without me. That’s another major source of guilt for me. I feel like I should be there helping and instead I am sitting at home listen to Harry Styles on Spotify. Oh, and hey, if you guys see any new Harry’s content, please tag me. Please. I know there were some new stuff. He went to see Tom York, I guess. Oh, he looks so good. Yeah, if you feel like it, just tag me in some stuff. Give me something to look at besides myself sitting here being slovenly. Thank you for listening. I appreciate you guys. Bye.