Unexpected Beauty Tip: Sharpening Nail Grooming Tools and the Importance of Speaking Up at Salons

tell me why I just Learned on TikTok that you just have to sharpen these
they dull over time and you can just sharpen them with a nail file
that I know it’s common sense
perfect as I’ve been crying
but I wanted to show you my handiwork
did I spend over $70 on this manicure yesterday
and they did no cuticle care
yes I am ashamed
am I millennial and I chose not to say anything
cause I was hoping that by the end of the manicure
they would have maybe they would do it after
when you say it out loud they’re just so nice
they said I was so tall
they did pretty good
the manicure itself is fabulous
it was just the missing cuticle care
I will speak up next time at the beginning of the experience
Oh da puppyy
okay love you bye