Inside the Olympic Village: Meeting Sporting Stars and Australian Athletes

Olympic Village, let’s set the scene there.
We hear a lot of stuff what it,
how it plays out. Uh,
do you meet any, any stars?
Is any, you know who there was big sporting stars you met?
Is everyone playing up in there?
Like people say, what’s going on guys?
um, don’t have to say names.
Yeah, obviously you get not saying names.
Um, pretty cool.
We met Simone Biles. That’s cool.
So yeah, um,
Tokyo. I met Kevin Durant.
So that’ll always be the highlight.
And then Simone Biles. It was pretty cool to me.
Um, I,
I think just the beauty of it is that you just get to see like
even Australian athletes that are just on par in that global standard.
Like you have Jess Fox and Arion Titmus just walking around downstairs.
So I think the beauty of that’s pretty cool.
Um, when we were in the village,
it was a bit more tame because we’re,
everyone was still competing.
So I don’t think you see many parties.
But, um,
all the stories of all my friends,
the close, um,
on the close friends, uh,
closing ceremony seems to go off.
It’s on. Yeah. Okay.
I’m sure that’s where all the parties happen and everything happens
there. Takes any stars you met?
Um, yeah,
Jess Fox and Ariana Titmus. Um,
and Jessica Malibu. She came in for a little bit
and she rocked in and she acted as if she had known
Us for like years
and she was beautiful and she couldn’t wait to like watch us play.
And I think that was pretty amazing to see that.
So yeah, just seeing some of the Australian athletes pretty awesome.