Fashion Faux Pas: Reminiscing on Past Style Choices and Party Ponies

You are out of your mind when you say that I was not the best dress.
I was top tier, best dress in class.
These fits, I was throw together,
which is absolutely mind boggling.
I had one pair of jeans that I would slide off to go to the bathroom.
It was madness, dude.
And I thought I was a fashion icon in my shit and in my eyes.
You really were. You had it going on,
but then you look back and it. Dude,
you do not have it going on.
I look like the freaking model for Wet Seal.
I would just go into my mom’s closet and find old stuff.
Be like, this is sick.
This is old. This is vintage.
I used to wear this bright neon thing.
Ski sweater. Like,
oh, my god,
it was so bad. In our ponytails,
our party ponies. Oh,
party pony. All the time.
I still be rocking the party pony,
I will say, but not to the extent of where we used to do them. Tight.
If you come into the tour and you see the visuals,
mind your business. We were all kids once.
We were all kids once, but we weren’t.
We looked 40. Yeah,
we were. We were grown adults.