Presidential Pastry: The 62-Year-Old JFK Birthday Cake

Would you try a piece of 62 year old birthday cake?
This right here
is a leftover piece of cake from JFK’s birthday party in 1962
at Madison Square Garden. Now,
this is the famous event where Marilyn Monroe sang Happy Birthday, Mr.
President. And this is a piece of cake
that was hung on to by a New York City police officer.
Now, the.
What happened with this is he hold.
He held on to this for the rest of his life,
over 30 years. And then his widow ended up selling this by,
I think it was Heritage Auctions,
and it sold for nearly $5,000.
Now it’s at Historic Auto Attractions Museum in Roscoe,
Illinois, in part of a JFK exhibit.
This is a small part of it,
but the owner of this place actually tried a piece of this cake.
Now, the question that I have for you is,
if you owned this, would you try a bite of it 62 years later?