Love Beyond Languages: Challenging the Notion of Love Languages

We were recently having a conversation with um,
a group of my mentee’s woman redefined what’s up
mwah ha ha ha ha ha and it was on the conversation of love languages
and um I had made a very bold statement
the statement was to the effect that I don’t think love has languages
ha ha you know the love languages
physical touch, quality time,
words of affirmation, gifts. Yeah,
I don’t because there was a time I did believe it
and I realised that for every love language
that the people that I wanted to love me
were able to accomplish, I craved a new ones.
Do you realise that someone can do all of these things
and not love you?
Someone can spend time with you and not love you
because the Bible is clear on what love is.
Love is patient. If you love me,
you’ll be patient with me,
you’ll be kind to me, you won’t be envious of me
and at the risk of not feeling or not receiving true love,
love languages can be quite deceptive
me thinks. Let me know what you think in the comment section.
See you. Bye bye mwah.