Capturing Memories: A Day of Adventure, Outfit Changes, and Pistachio Ice Cream at Montecasino

Chloe was like, hey, Jim,
do you wanna go take pictures?
So naturally I was like, oh my gosh,
of course I was in a heartbeat.
And then we started getting ready.
It took us forever to get ready.
I don’t know why. You know,
just girl things, girly things.
Okay, so we had a game plan, okay,
a strategy. We wanted to make the most out of this day.
So what do we do? We pack a whole suitcase full of different outfits
so we can get multiple pics,
multiple outfit pics. You know,
we got to Montecasino and close to an outfit change naturally. Duh.
Look how beautiful this place is.
It’s the Palazzo Hotel at Montecasino.
It’s so dreamy. It felt like we were in Europe.
Like, you know,
I promise you, like
we could have like faked a holiday here and like put like European
like tags and stuff.
Like we could get away with it.
Another outfit change real quick in the bathroom.
This dress is so cute. I felt so cute seeing girly in it.
I’m actually so proud of us.
Like we really finessed this.
Like, I don’t know how we weren’t kicked out
because we weren’t staying at the hotel
and you can’t just like go to a hotel and take pictures all the time.
Like you need to like, you know,
this man came up to us and he was like,
let me show you how to take real photos.
And He did like zoomed in portrait stuff.
I mean, they were kind of,
they kind of slayed. They,
he kind of ate. He kind of ate.
But honestly,
I love us because I just don’t know who else I would do this with.
And I think other people think we crazy for doing stuff like this.
But you know, you gotta do what you gotta do.
And we have so much fun doing this.
Like what a fun little girly pop day.
You know, again,
the details. Look at the roof. Like, um,
I love this place. I need to come stay here.
It’s probably like ridiculously priced,
but like Palazzo Hotel, if you want me to just like promote you,
um, I’ll gladly come stay.
Then we went to the casino.
The casino part is always so pretty.
Like I’ve been obsessed with this place since a child.
Like it’s just magical. It like doesn’t feel real.
Like I should go there more often.
Like people need to hype this place up.
Like I don’t think enough people go there.
This is the most me video ever.
Like, you know,
you saw all the snacks. Gotta grab everything.
Ha ha. Pistachio ice cream is our fave.
If you’re not getting pistachio flavours,
I don’t know what you doing with your life.
Like seriously, get it together and get pistachio ice cream.
It’s so good. Think Chloe and I had to rush back home
cause we didn’t realise how long
It would take, and we didn’t know that we would hit peak hour traffic.
So then Matt took,
took us on like a back route and like some really scary road
and we thought we were gonna die.
But, you know,
Chloe, she saved us.
We got home safe and we were exhausted.
Then Chloe started dancing and then I went home.
Love you. Bye.
Look how pretty the sun is.