Navigating Turbulent Waters: A Collective Tarot Reading for Relationship Struggles

okay so just doing a collective reading um
to end the work week and uh
I know I was supposed to do a share your story today on the other channel
I will do that tomorrow so if any of you guys have submitted a story
um please watch out for that and I’ll do um
do that tomorrow um
let’s see today’s story has a lot of energy in it
I’m seeing air signs earth signs
water signs um
so I feel like
you can
I feel like it’s a struggle between two people in a
in a connection could be a commitment
could be a marriage I feel like they’re both saying that they tried
it’s like I I tried
I tried and it’s still it’s still not working or something
it feels like that um
I feel like the queen in this reading feminine
to them it’s like I’ve already done what I could
you know
they have a certain way that they are looking at the situation
and to them it’s like what else is there for me to do
I’ve done what I could already right
and I feel like now they’re just realizing okay
so that’s probably not enough
but what else can I do it’s really kind of what I’m getting here
um they’re having a hard time comprehending situation cause to them it’s like
what else ha ha ha um
and they’re realizing there’s not much else they can
do they feel like I’ve already done everything
there’s nothing else to do
there’s nothing else I can give here
I’ve given my best to this
from their point of view they’ve come at this situation in the best possible way
it’s like they feel like they gave everything
they’ve done everything they could
yet it’s still it’s still not working out
it’s it’s still going to end or something
it’s like a feeling of
of dread that it’s gonna end even though I gave everything that I could
the connection itself I’m seeing a lot of strife and struggle and
disagreement a lot of resistance towards each other
you know
I feel like
you like there’s there’s not enough to carry this forward
there’s just too much resistance
I feel every time there is a discussion
it turns into an argument
um let me clarify this queen of pentacles and then this queen of cups
let’s try to get their energy here this queen of pentacles
cool the king of cups
oh god
that’s not good energy there is a lot of drama going on here in this situation
guys already see a storyline that has happened here
I don’t know if this is just happened
it’s happening
uh let me
so what I’m seeing here for this uh couple
this these two people this queen of pentacles there they are
if they are at the end of their role
cause they feel like I already I already did this
I already did that what else you want from me
um they could have caught on to something here um
I would have thought it was them that was doing something
but because it shows me that they have seen something
they have access something
they have proof of something um
and you know the fact that this king of cups carries this energy with them
that’s not good energy that’s not good energy
so here’s what I’m gonna say
this queen of pentacles feels that they may have discovered something
that this king has done they might have used a fake profile
they might have access social media
they have proof of something here um
I do feel
they could have discovered this king had had done something had risked something
there’s something that they found out guys um
I think that’s why the exasperation is there cause it’s like
I find this out I’ve already done everything I could
I or I gave everything that I had and this is what I this is what I get
that’s kind of what this Queen of Pentacles is is showing here
and I feel like this king of cups
they’re in this energy of trying to avoid
trying to avoid the discovery of whatever this is to them
it’s like it’s very emotionless
this king of cups because they’re in reverse to them
it’s like well
I’m already committed to you
isn’t that enough
I already committed to we already have a long term relationship
it’s like they don’t want to take accountability maybe
or they don’t want to even interact with this queen of pentacles on whatever
this is you know
deep down this king honestly feels like maybe they were entrapped
maybe they feel like they were forced to be in this connection
to be in this commitment um
yeah there
there is a lot of drama in the situation
so I don’t know who’s going through this right now
but that seems to be a story for
for tonight at least okay
um going into the guidance
I mean
I feel like it is a connection with two people that are still holding on to it
but essentially do want to give up on it
you know
um not unusual
not unheard of um
I mean once upon a time
maybe it was happy maybe it was stable
maybe there was so much potential
but now it’s not that at all
it’s like it’s two people that are just in a connection that just bring so much
so much drama so much argument
so much resistance um
okay you know
I’m gonna say the guidance just kind of say me
it’s kind of sick maybe consider that
maybe consider whether this is still a situation or a connection worth pursuing
worth continuing in um
wow it’s reading um
I mean I feel like
I feel like this commitment
this connection it’s
it’s there’s so much difficulty in it
there’s so many there’s so there’s so many arguments and there’s so many
so many disagreements like it’s two people on two different set um
two different pages now they’re on separate pages now um
I do feel like someone feels deceived
I kind of feel like a system of cups
but I mean you have to remember the decisions you make ultimately
even with influence are still the decisions you make
you can be misled definitely um
and and make probably the wrong decision um
I’m just saying you know
if we’re in the situation
even if we were misled um
there’s still something that can be done about it right
there’s still something that rather than stay in this difficult energy
there’s like still a choice here
there’s still something that can be done
there’s no more love here honestly there’s just
once upon a time there was but there’s no more love here
I do feel somebody wants to hold on to this probably this queen of pentacles
it feels like he’s aspirated cause I feel like they gave everything
um somebody could be trying to make a decision now about the situation
what do they do
they’re kind of not sure honestly what to do
but they know they probably need to do something causing a lot of stress
I feel like it’s just Queen of Pentacles where they feel like they were
they feel like they were gift
they feel like they were tricked or they were they actually both feel that way
but in different ways because this king of this king of cups feels that way
but it could have been something like because of pregnancy or something uh
money whatever
you know they feel kind of they were
they were entrapped you know
whereas this queen of pentacles feels like
I gave all of this and I gave that and I did this and then
here you are doing this like they both kind of feel that way so it’s a sense of
feeling stress in the situation um
I would say this is probably a long term commitment or marriage
but over time whatever kind of partnership
whatever kind of collaboration or cooperation was existing is no longer there
every time these two people try to have a decent conversation
it ends up in an argument
a disagreement and it’s because they both don’t want to budge from
from their perspectives so there’s just a discontinuous argument um
yet they still hold on to the connection right
I think yeah
they still hold on to the connection
it’s like both of them aren’t able to say to the other person
I quit as like they both can’t voice it out like
I don’t know what are we supposed to do with this
um okay
let me let me get first into second
see like what are what are what’s the point
what’s the point of it oh
there’s so much there’s so much um
we have the Phoenix we have the snake we have cassette
healing heart love mask
and that’s what I was about to say
you know with The Lovers and the four of swords
it feels to me like because this connection has gone through a lot
and it’s been long term you know
there’s still a chance to maybe talk this through
there’s still a chance maybe give each other space right
um and try to see if this connection can still be saved honestly
I mean the coffee cup card is like discussion but you know
a calm discussion um
I feel like there’s still a chance
there’s still a chance for this connection to to be healed maybe
or there still is nostalgic factor where
you know if they are both able to go back to the memories and the
the love and all that stuff of this connection
that this could still maybe transform somehow
even with the deceit I think that has happened in this situation
I mean there’s if there’s still love it’s still possible
although I do feel like it’s gonna be difficult
I feel like it’s going to be difficult
you know I mean
it’s been I I can’t there’s nothing there’s nothing for me to stay here
I feel like I’m just explaining what’s going on in a situation
and whether or not against victims
it’s up to these two people if they’re gonna sit down and talk about it
if they don’t then can you be what it is
if they do there’s a hope of changing dynamic and make it
maybe making it better Taurus
Scorpio Aquarius Libra