Trendy Friday Fashion Haul: Styling a Black Basics Boob Tube for the Sun

Hi, guys.
Afternoon. Just wanted to show you my Friday TikTok parcel delivery
is this little black basics boob tube.
Now, I like a boob tube cause I like it to run to something like this.
This is a short, so, um,
you can just whip it off if the sun comes out
and you can whip it on when the sun comes back.
This is a nice one, guys.
It’s very. It’s got a nice inner elastic
and it’s.
That’s gonna hurt me. Yeah.
It’s stretchy, as you can see.
It’s got ruching down the sides.
It’s got nice ruching going down the sides,
which I like. It’s a nice length,
so you can actually pull it down over your belly if you want to,
or you can just Ruch it, you know,
Ruch it up, whatever you want.
I think this is fab, honestly.
Um, this is £6 £96 60.
And it’s from Tani Fashion.
Now, for some reason,
it won’t let me actually link it at the minute,
but if you want it, just go to Tani Fashion.
It’s in loads of different colours.
Absolutely loads. And I don’t think it would go wrong with a boob tube,
honestly, with a shirt over it.
Better than a vest top, really,
isn’t it? I think so sometimes.
And also why I like a boob tube.
Say you’ve got a top and it’s quite,
quite low. Say the top come down to there.
It’s nice to put a boob Tube on
and you just. It just fills in your day clotage,
doesn’t it?
So the sun is in and out and in and out.
So today this is fine for me.
I’m gonna go and sit outside and I sit like this and read my book.
And then when the sun comes out,
we go, ta da!
And get that tan going. Okay,
so this is my Friday TikTok puzzle.
Have a lovely, lovely Friday.