Proudly Black: Challenging Gaslighting and Embracing Identity

Y’all are not about to gaslight black Americans because we know what Tyler’s doing. And let me just put up this brief disclaimer real quick. I actually live in South Africa. I attended the university of the western page. Understand the concept of color. Before I’ll come on my page, I’ve actually traveled to live and paid bills in the country of South Africa. And so that being said, you are not about to gaslight us, because one thing that I have realized about black Americans is that we are proud. Okay? We do not get offended for being called black. As a matter of fact, we Bligety Black. Gedy, Black, black, black. I have noticed traveling the world.

Right, knowing in my mind that race is a social construct, right? For example, Irish people were not considered white. They were not considered white when they was constructing the races. They could not stand Irish. A lot of Eastern Europeans and slavies were not considered what we, you know, now consider white. But when they were a cold white or mistakenness white, they was around here talking about, well, actually, Mitch, I’m not white. I’m Irish mixed with the Scandinavians that came down. You don’t ever see them doing that. You know what? Because they’re not offended by being mistaken by that. You, do you understand where the hell I’m coming from when I. And what are the stories that stuck out to me from this esteem lawyer to me, who would also classify himself as color is he told me when he was growing up for, he actually considered himself superior to black people as a colored person, right? So bearing this in mind and understanding that a lot of colored people in South Africa, again, these are people I’ve actually talk to and met. Right. There was a hierarchy system in the apartheid state of South Africa, right? It wasn’t just black and white. Like in America, they consider themselves better than what we call black, right? And y’all can try to gaslight us and play us all you want to with this heart coming up there where it’s a different culture.

I probably more mixed than you . I’m a Nigerian Chinese and standing there and I, but if you call me black, I’m going to be proud that you must me for a black person, if I lived in the culture that was not the one drop rule or America, whatever, and you call me black even though I was mixed without this. And maybe in my culture we call it this.

And then the third, I’ll be like, you know what, I think black people are great. I think black people are amazing. And I’m actually honored that you looked at me or you got some vibe about me that made you think that I was a part of this amazing group of people just the same way that these immigrants from European countries that were not typical, we consider white, came to America and whenever mistaken for white. Dan, correct. Nobody. I’m not gonna correct you either. I’m not gonna hotter about what I’m mixed with or not mixed with. That does not mean I’m not, that I’m not going to represent my culture right. But you ain’t never gonna find nobody can offended about being called white or being mistaken for white because when you think about why, you think about power and that’s why people are so quick to say what they mix with, because they want you to know that they’re mixed with something other than black. They want you to know that they’re multi cultural, that they’re just, they’re not like inferior like the rest of us. So what I’m gonna do is stop gas sliding black Americans.

So you what may feel like it’s a degradation to look black, sound black, talk black, identify his black. But as mixed as our asses are, and we are just as mixed as anybody else in this diaspora that was alonized, , enslaved and stolen. But no matter what we’re mixed with, no matter where we are taken from, we are proud. So if you’re not proud of that , keep that over there. Don’t come over to America going on the The Breakfast Club interviewing with our celebrities, touring with our artist. And they’re telling us that we’re the xenophobic ones because when I took my ass to South Africa, I was respectful of the culture, okay? I didn’t come over here telling them what the I was, okay, because that’s not how you do things.

No, cuz that is stupid. Why the would I do that? But anyway, I’m a step off my high course because I’m just sticky out trying to play with this.