Unfiltered Rant: The Frustration of Censorship and the Stigma Surrounding Intellectual Disabilities

I hate that we can’t call people stupid anymore.
There, I said it.
I hate that any grievance levied towards an idiot
has to be prefaced with the clarification that
we’re not talking about people with intellectual disabilities.
Right, because the morons that we’re talking about
will jump to weaponize the identities and experiences of,
actually disenfranchise, and systematically oppress people
because of their intellectual or physical disabilities. Right?
I hate that we can’t use the word stupid,
idiot, or moron,
because the stupid,
idiotic morons that we’re talking about will weaponize the effort.
It makes me so mad because you don’t give a fuck about disabled people.
You’re just stupid and you don’t have an excuse.
You’re a couple of vegetables short of a stir fry
and you know it, but you don’t it.
It makes me so mad as someone who is actually invested in the health
and well being of disabled people,
and it’s not something that I feel the net.
The need to prove. I went to college for it.
I will snatch my degree off the wall.
I have a degree in child development,
communication studies and early diagnosis and intervention.
So whenever someone’s being a fucking idiot or an asshole
and someone just falls from the fucking sky,
just drops from the idiot tree to say, well,
you don’t know. That person could have autism.
Um, you don’t know that.
I do. I quite literally have the credentials necessary to. To.
I don’t have To prove shit to you people.
You’re stupid, you’re morons,
you’re idiots,
and I hate that I’m gonna get more hate for saying it then for you
for going out in the world and plaguing us with your stupidity.