Unexpected Roommate: A Hilarious Hotel Mishap Story

His entire wiener was out.
We just checked into our hotel room,
and they literally just gave us our keys,
and I walked in, and a man was sitting on the toilet with his junk out.
When I tell you, my camera,
I was out, ready to record the room and do a little cutie,
little vlog. Um, no.
I don’t think I’ve ever ran out of a hotel room faster
in my entire life. I think I felt a little bit of every emotion.
He literally came out of the bathroom and was like, hello?
Is anybody in here? Was like,
oh, my god.
And I literally. I was just running.
I, I didn’t know what to do. My mom’s really laughing.
How did that go?
Oh, my god.
My mom just asked me if I was gonna recognize him all weekend.
I was like, I didn’t even see what he looked like.
She goes, yeah,
you were too busy looking at his wiener.
I know. This was a grown man.
And I don’t think. I think I was more embarrassed than he was.
If you’re seeing this, I’m so,
so sorry. Um,
it was not my doing. Did not mean for any of that to happen.
And we hope that our poor.
What is she even called? Our hostesses? Doesn’t.
The front, the front desk girl doesn’t get fired.
What a journey. We haven’t even been here for a half hour yet.
It’s been maybe 20 minutes.
The Sad thing is is he’s on the floor right underneath us,
so they literally just mixed up the first numbers.
That was definitely an experience.
A good way to start the trip,
I guess. Um,
hopefully it never happens ever again.
Okay, I just finished getting ready.
Here’s my little fit.
I’m gonna be posting a lot more on Instagram this week,
especially on my story. I’m gonna do a little Q&A right now,
so if you have any questions about this crazy little story
or anything else, just go hit up my Instagram story.
I’m gonna be posting it just shortly.
I love you so much. Of your great reason.
They’ll talk to you later. Bye.