Examining the Hypocrisy and Misinterpretations within Modern Christianity

We turned Christianity into a joke.
Some of you said, if you don’t pay tithe,
you will not make heaven.
You didn’t turn Christianity to a mockery and a joke.
When you reduce the entire work of Christ to mammon.
That a man can pay tithe and he has entered heaven,
you are not turning Christianity to more than a joke.
You said job didn’t pay tithe,
that’s why he suffered for 9 months.
And we didn’t find where he paid that.
That’s why he was free from suffering.
And that is not a joke.
Casting as passion on the finished work of Christ.
And some of you accuse us of giving people a licence to sin.
But in your own denominations,
I’m aware that some of your pastors teamed up and poison the G O.
Of that church.
Even while they were sitting under your hot holiness teachings.
They were able to ganged up and give you poison.
And you say we are teaching people to sin.
Some of you in your churches,
your pastors are married to two wives
under your holiness teachings.
Is it our teachings that had to marry two wives
and still be pastor in your churches