Epic BLT Showdown: The Battle of Boredom vs. Bacon

Jason, what are you doing? Hey.

It’s Monday. Funded BLT Monday. I got your boring one. Just like you. I get quick.

What does that mean?

That’s right. It might get boring. BLC, my friend, you won’t even put mayonnaise on one side of the bomb. Do you need to double signing, first of all? Second of all, I think I’m having a little cream soda. Oh, okay. With my, what you call with your BLC. My BLC. Oh, wait, it’s up. It’s up, it’s up, it’s up.

So wait, what’s gonna make yours so much more exciting? Bacon. I’ll show you. That’s literally the point.

So first of all, make sure you got enough. You already.

Did that.

Yes. So babe, these together. Boom. Instant cream soda, one of my favorites.

My payment BLCS. I was like, what?

Yeah, a green star BLT. I didn’t watch.

I thought we were talking about BLT.

Babe. I’m gonna show you how to make deeper BLT. You can take like 30 seconds. Ready? Okay. But if you just slather on, oh, that male, just slather that bamboo anywhere.

Else. That’s a lot of.

Okay, I could use a little more of it. You could use that, will do you donkey. Hey, check this out. Next, what you gonna do is take you one piece of lettuce. Cuz too much lettuce, that’s like, then you’re gonna add you. That’s serious. Two little pieces of tomato. Okay.

Then wait, what’s that? During that.

Gee, even roasted. Don’t forget after that you have to add on a little bit of bacon, then you’re gonna take you and get apart two pieces of American cheese.

Jason, that’s not a Bill. Then you’re gonna slap.

That way down. Hell, that’s literally a car, my friend. That is the best. It, that is the best BLT that you could ever have. Now you’re a little boring.

Ass, Jason. That’s not yet.

I like I was saying, that is.

That’s literally a, we’ve already gone through this. That’s literally a club. It’s literally a Turkey club. You just made a Turkey club.

You’re a Turkey club.

And cut it in triangles, cuz that’s what it is.

There’s not a third piece of bread. Suck.

It. Oh, my God.

Reindeer games.

Whatever. I mean, I probably like Turkey on mine. Maybe not to be alty. I’m not trying to steal away from that.

It’s really good. You want to be lt?

I’m just needle like that. Cuz that’s what it is.

Yeah, but now you’re talking about mine. But then also I could have some lunch, you know, you’re the worse. You don’t get a dual walks BLT like.

Me. It’s literally a club. But okay.

Nice. Do you know it’s like double duct? Yeah, nice trunks. I double duck cuz she wants to go play in the water.

All right, we better hurry up and eat your club sandwich so you can take her outside. Deluxe, Daisy.

She’s ready. Suit on, everything. All.

Right. Well, let’s eat our Turkey clubs. Yes.

I should make this pulse when I go outside. Say, hey, babe, can you fill up my cream.

Soda? Cuz I want, cuz I’m busy. Mostly.

We’re supposed to be a love. Okay, sometimes, you know, I’m not gonna lie, sometimes I feel like you are the worst.

Yeah, give it a big alignment. Split these. Yeah, you better be careful. Eat your Turkey club. Let’s go.

The Lux BLT, whatever. Then Monday, you can’t stop.

Me. Yeah, okay. The .

Thing. You mean your BS, BLT, ABCD?

And you will see the watch. Yeah, you in city.