Finding Your Boaz: The Inspiring Story of Ruth and Boaz

The story of Ruth and Boaz is one that encourages me
that whatever is meant for you will find you,
or in this case, whoever is meant for you will find you.
Whoever god has set aside for you will find you.
Let me give us a quick background story.
There’s this gentleman called Elimelech
who married a lady called Naomi,
and together they had two sons.
Unfortunately, Elimelech passed away,
so he left Naomi a widow.
So the two sons married two ladies called Ruth and Orpah,
and unfortunately, after some time,
the sons passed away.
So Naomi and the two daughters in law were left widows.
And at this point, Naomi had gotten weaned
that god was coming through for her people back in Bethlehem.
And she was like, you know what?
It’s time to go back home.
So she told her two daughters in law,
you know what, um, me,
I’m not good to you as of now,
so just go back to your mum’s,
go back to your family. And at first I was a bit hesitant,
and then she insisted. She’s like, listen,
like, what can I do for you?
It’s not like I’m gonna give birth to other sons that will marry you.
And even if I do,
is it that you guys are gonna wait for them to grow old
and then they marry you, you know?
So you just go back to your peeps,
you know? So ORPA was like, cool,
it’s Been real thanks. But Ruth looked at Naomi and told her,
let me tell you something,
where you go, I will go where you stay,
I will stay
your people shall be my people and your god shall be my god
and she even said the only thing that would separate us is
and I don’t know where
that’s where people got this vow of till death do us part
but anyway, that was Ruth for you.
Now on the other side in Bethlehem,
I guess Ruth figured, you know what,
let me be productive
let me not just sit around and do nothing you know,
so she went into one of those fields randomly
and it so happened to be Boaz’s field and while she was there,
Boaz took note of her and he started asking hey,
who’s this girl? And later he would tell people,
you know what Missus Mbumbe Mchana,
let her do her thing
don’t bother her and help her where she needs help.
Here’s the interesting part of this story um,
so Naomi was gonna sell her late husband’s piece of land
and there was this particular man who was to buy it
because I think he was a relative to Elimelech
but he was told by Boaz, by the way,
as you buying this piece of land,
keep in mind that you’re also going to inherit Ruth
and this one was like, mmm,
on second thought, no,
that’s gonna harm my estate that that’s Not on brand.
And he told Boaz, you know what,
you take it and you take her.
And that is how Boaz ended up with Ruth.
You know, when you think about it,
there are very many odd events that took place in this story,
but they all worked in the favour of Ruth and also Boaz.
Because had Ruth not forced issues with her mother in law,
Boaz would never have met her.
And when you think about it,
what business did Ruth have
following her mother in law and insisting to go with her?
Because you’d expect, you know what,
yeah, your son has passed away.
We have no reason to stay in touch.
It’s not like they had kids that you’d say,
I’m here cause of the grandkids,
you know. But her insisting to go with Naomi was,
I guess,
orchestrated by god so that she can meet Boaz or Boaz would meet her.
Something else I get from this story is restoration.
Yes, Ruth had lost a partner,
a loved one, a companion,
and god restored that when she went to Bethlehem.
We don’t know how long she waited.
It could have been years.
But God finally gave her someone else to love her just as much
and to take care of her. Whatever is meant for you,
it will find you, I promise you.
And trust me, God will place you in the right place at the right time
for the right person to notice.
You alright? God bless you and have a good one.
And I hope you meet your Boaz soon or your Ruth soon.
Amen. Be blessed.