Book Chat: Ruminations on Reading, Revisiting Favorites, and Speculating on Sequels

Friends, it’s Monday and we’re going to have the best week ever. Okay, let’s go ahead and start with that book chat. And when I say the best week ever, I’m just kind of pumping myself up because I’ve tried to make this video three times and I’m having a really hard time coming up with words to speak that make sense. See, I’m gonna keep doing this. I don’t even know if that suns in itself makes sense, but we’re going to go ahead and continue on with that. So for my job of the day, I’m drinking water right now to hydrate.

I still haven’t had a coffee this morning. My outfit, we’re just going for jeans, a little cardigan, as well as some like shoes. And then I’m still reading this. I had one goal this weekend and it was to finish this book. And I didn’t. I did the entire tire audiobook of hunting Adeline. And yeah, I started a whole different audiobook, the Whiff Hotel Series, which is so good, by the way. I don’t know if you’ve ever even heard of it. I saw someone post about it, about how it’s probably gonna book talk, but I haven’t heard about it yet. And I started it and I really do like it and it has the entire series for free right now on audible if you have an audible subscription. And if you want to know any more free series, I did make a post, my last post talks about some of the ones that I saved. And this does include a quarter of thorns of roses, and that does include the graphic audio version of a court of thorns and roses and a court of Missing theory. It does have the entire octory series.

I’m trying to avoid saying akutor because again, I can’t talk this morning and it keep coming, it keeps coming out a little weird like this. With all that being said, all this akutor talk has me thinking about when I’m going to start my reread for the next book in the series, which will probably come out in January, just because SJM always puts her books out at the beginning of the year, which will be so very weird when Onyx Storm and yes Jam Book comes out in the same month or around the same time. Like it will be literal chaos on this app. No one will be on it to break. No spoilers. Again, I can’t talk. No one will be on it just to avoid spoilers, but everyone will be on it at the same time talking about it. So it’s just going to be a thing. With that being said, I think that I’m going to start rereading it towards the end of the year just to measure up the right time to read it.

A court of frost and start. Can you see how I’m struggling to talk right now? We all have these days. I woke up at 4:30 for no reason, wide awake. So my brain is now here, now that it is 9:00. Good morning. With that being said, I want a court of frost and starlight to line up with near Christmas time and then read like silver flames like maybe two days after Christmas and leading it into the New Year or the first week of the New Year, I think that would be a good vibe. So if anyone is in on that with me, this is my question of the day.

When are you going to reread record thorns and roses and how you even read it yet with that being said, I’ve been thinking about a few of my favorite theories recently, and these really aren’t going to break any spoilers for you because they’re very minor sublaws.

One of my things that I think about all the time is if Reese’s sister is still alive and we just don’t know, I feel like that might play into some things and the SGM universe. And if you know, you know, one of my other favorite ones that people always refer to is that the surreal is just calcine in a different light, which is so fun to think about. Other than that, there’s so many that are so fun.

With the next book, I would prefer for Elaine not to be with Israel. And I would also prefer, I’m not saying Elaine and Tamlin together, but I think Tamlin deserves a redemption story. I know there always needs to be a villain in the story of a book, but despite what Tamlin did to Farah, I think he deserves a little bit of a redemption story. That’s just my opinion.

So I’m hoping we get some like little Easter eggs of that in the next book. And with that, I’m going to turn it back over to what I did this entire weekend, even though I said I would finish this book this weekend. My only goal this weekend. And I think I read a total of 20 pages for the entire weekend. Started and finished hunting Adeline though. And when I first started it, I was very trick by it. The setting is super cool, super spooky vibes and old manner, very much hunting on hillhouse vibes. And I kind of like that. But as it continue on with the story, it just kept getting darker and darker. And I just, I wasn’t a fan. It’s not something I like to read, but the setting was really cool.

And the last sentence infuriated me. Like, I’m so freaking test. That’s all I’m gonna say because it makes me want to read the second book, but I don’t want to read the second book and I’m gonna stop talking because I’m having a really hard time talking. Thanks guys. Have you stayed to then Q&A one since day one?