Unveiling the Truth: Analyzing Haters’ Reviews of X Defiant

Hectifying, it’s currently sitting at a 69 overall Metacritic, which is technically a passing score. I don’t know why anybody would want that, but it is passing. But I mean, if you look at the user score, you can see not everybody he likes it. So I’d like to welcome you back to a series that I call bad reviews for good games. And today, we’re taking a look at what the haters have to say about X defiant. And our first review comes from Raxo Cream, who gave X to find a 0 out of 10. And he goes on to say, this game needs some serious adjustments. Gun damage are wildly off. For example, any SMG is so sub par at every distance that up close they lose out to assault rifles. Even if firing first, snipers seem slow to run the show and overall give it a very unfair experience, forcing you to have to snipe to compete.

Matchmaking is the worst I’ve ever seen in my life. As if they deliberately try to give you low level, horrible teammates who cannot play objective for their life for them, while the other team will have players 100+ levels higher and seemingly running like a party or a clan. And I have to say, racks o’cream, I need to break it to you, but in your review, you said it’s if they deliberately try to give you low level horrible teammates and it’s one of the reasons why you can’t win based off your review. I’m gonna keep it a buck with you. I’m not trying to be an ass, but I think you’re the horrible teammate. First of all, there’s no skill based matchmaking in this game, which means you’re correct. There’s gonna be some games where there’s gonna be a ton ofof sweats in there and there’s gonna be games where there’s not. But if you feel like you’re always the one that’s getting the low level teammates and you’re losing because of it, I feel like you’re just blaming your teammates for your lack of skill. I’m not saying there’s some truth to that cuz I get them sometimes too. But like, I think it’s mostly you because if we read the rest of this review, you said the SMGs are s and X to find the SMGs are the best weapons in the game. The MP seven and the P90. I call it the P. Nasty them things obliterate people. Well, to the point where like sometimes I don’t even like using the assault, right? The assault rifle class is like the second best weapon class in my opinion. But like I use even at a distance, I’m good with the P90. Like, so a lot of times I feel like I’m only using the assault rifle for to do the challenges so I can get some XP and unlock skins and stuff like that.

But to say that the SMGs are subpar, I think you’re bad at the game. That’s crazy. The whole game predicates on running around, bunny hopping, getting close, spraying. The game is about headshots. And I think maybe you haven’t figure that out yet. You’re probably just doing body shots, shooting people in the foot and then wonder why you’re losing. You gotta have good aim. You gotta hit those headshots, but then you go on to say the snipers seem to run the show and overall give it a very unfavorable experience, forcing you to snipe to compete. What are you talking about? The snipers don’t run the show. They are annoying, but they just nerfed them and you drop this review June 18th. They just nerfed them like a week ago. They increase the sway. So I believe when you get a body shot, it makes the sway go down. And I think a headshot, it makes it go up. Cuz before, no matter what, if you shot them, they could still aim down the scoping quick scope you.

So the fact that you let this review post review post up date, that says to me that you’re bad at the game. Because I will say they supposedly patch the bunny hop and the sniper rifle. I really couldn’t see much from the Bunny Hop because the problem with the Bunny Hop patch is you had the bunny hop four times in a row before it created some weapons sway. And most of time in a gunfight, one or two bunny hops and you’re good and you’re gonna win the fun, the fight. I feel like they should reduce it down to like one or two, but that’s another conversation for another day. The sniper rifles, I could tell a difference from that patch. If you shoot a sniper before they hit you, they usually run away because there’s so much sway on the sniper rifle. So I feel like I’m beating a lot of them, even from like distance. So I’m not gonna lie. I just think you’re bad at the game and then you gave it a 0 out of 10 is a game that’s completely unfunctional. This is a functional game at bare middle my a functional game that has a lot of issues. I think. I don’t think it’s the call of duty killer, but I also do think you’re just bad at the game. I’m gonna keep it a buffer, you dog. Maybe you need to get some teammates. They can teach you how to play the game. We’re gonna call cap on this review.

And our next review comes from design and conquer, who gave X define a 3 out of 10. And they go on to say, if you want a reason to play call of duty again, here it is.

This game’s been toted as the call of duty killer for some time now, but it fails in almost every way. They are overjoyed to put out that skill based matchmaking isn’t a thing. But what they fail to tell you is that the more you play, the more advantage you have. Are you a level 10 with four hours of gunplay and unlock two attachments for your favorite gun. We’ll be ready to be taken down. And half the bullets from a level 80 enemy with the same gun because their attachments give huge buffs. And then he goes on to cry some more and I’m not gonna read, I’m not gonna lie, I’m not gonna read the rest of this cuz I’m gonna stop right here calling cap on this review too.

Listen, that what you just describe applies to anything in life. If you go and apply to a job and another person applies and they have five years of experience and a college degree, and when you have a college degree and no experience, off the balance of probability, they’re probably going to get the job over you because they’re more qualified. If a person has play the game more than you, has more attachments than you with like an extended barrel to give extra damage from distance, a red dot and extended clip a stock for like improved accuracy. Yes, they’re going to hit more shots and do more damage to you.

What the are we talking about here, bro? I’m not gonna lie. I understand to a degree where you’re coming from because when you first thought out, it is a little bit rough without the attachments. But if you’re halfway decent at the game within a few hours, you’ll at least once you get the red dot, it changes everything. Like you don’t need the barrel extender or the extended ammo or you know what I’m talking about. But once you get the red dot, which you get it like level 2 or 3 on every weapon, it completely changes the thing. So like complaining that like people have better guns than yes, yeah, they have more. That’s how life works. That’s like showing up to a 5K race in being upset that someone who trained for the race beat you. I’m telling you, man, this everybody gets a trophy mentality is really lottie all up in the head.

And our next negative review for X define comes from PPP Loan who says 0 out of 10 this game is dark . I pleaded for so long to upgrade my weapons to where I keep getting snuped and being by a group of four kids, I gotta, I’ve been blown up too many times again from the fire explores and drones. And it’s not just my skill. Okay, I have high experience playing shooters, but this one is dolcet. Snipers are overpowered. You have to stay in a group. Every fight, you’ve down to five health, then you get picked up. Italy, this game is just dolphin. And to that I say, well, you know, they patch the sniper. So I hope you gave it another chance. Cuz I do feel like they have been nerfed to a decent degree where we’ll say I agree with this review is him saying that you’re down to 5 health whenever you get into a fight and you win a fair one. I agree with that. Like that’s kind of annoying. It feels like an ex defiant. The developers didn’t want you to, you know, live out your power fantasy in the first person shooter. This is like the first person shooter that first person shooter I’ve ever played where I struggle to get like two or three kills on a row. And it’s not because of skill, it’s because the time to heal, the health related regeneration is so slow in this game. So what happens is you can fight a fair one and then you have to go hide in a corner for like 30 seconds to wait for your health to come back versus like 5 to 10 seconds. And this is when you’re out of combat. So I feel like it takes a game that’s supposed to be very fast paced and it slows it down completely, which means you have to rely on the fact you just gotta hope that you don’t get hit. But as long as you’re getting into fair ones, the game can be very slow sometimes and frustrating. Now, I don’t agree that this game deserves a 0 out of 10, but you know, you’re entitled to your opinion. And t crash gave X to 5 to 4 out of 10.

Who goes on to say don’t let how awful call of duty has been to trick you into thinking this is a good game. For that, I say basically he’s saying don’t let. How bad call of duty fool you. Don’t let the awfulness of call of duty fool you into thinking this is the lesser of two evils. And to that I agree. They’re both evil. God, I hope Black Ops 6 is good. And our next negative review comes from K 7. I, I for fun, who gives X to find the two editing. They go on to say, this game has so many flaws for how much it’s been tested prior to release.

Server problems. Why are so many deaths after someone gets bonded behind impenetrable cover? There’s crazy latency issues. The bullet fired milliseconds before your death ceases to exist after you die. I’m gonna add on to this and specifically this phrase right here. He said, the game, this game has so many flaws. For how many times got tested prior, yo, there were like 10 beta tests since like the game got, the game, I think the game got announced in 2021 when it was originally Tom Clancy’s ex defiant that did a couple beta test there, then a couple beta test here and a couple beta test there. Not 10, I’m exaggerating, but it was at least like 6 days Ada thing. They did a lot of beta test and you can’t help but wonder what the was that for. So I can p I don’t agree that it’s a 2 out of 10, but what were the, and these were real beta test. This is what no fraudulent as beta test like call of duty, where they do it two weeks before the game comes out. If you pre order, that’s not a beta test. You can’t change anything in the game two weeks before it comes out. That’s a demo. These were real beta tests they did years before the game came out. And it was supposed to be the head of development was a former call of duty guy. They had core call of Duty Pro is working to help with the movement. What happened? And our next negative review comes from 80,86, who gave extra final 1 out of 10. And they go on to say cheaters are in a abundant since the first day this game is laggy, out of sync. You can body block teammates but not enemies and so on. And I wanna go on to say I agree with Natty what he’s complaining about. I don’t know if I agree with the 1 out of 10, but the main thing I wanted to bring up and I one thing I really hate about X define and I feel like and you can quote me, understand this, I think season 1 is going to be the real telltale SoundOn whether or not this game is gonna have the legs to survive. I think it’s already proven it’s not a call of duty killer, but it is a call of duty competitor. And I, and let’s get something straight. I want this game to succeed because if this game succeeds, it’s gonna make call of duty better as well as other first person shooters. We want competition on the market, but it has some glaring issues. And I’m hoping Season 1 helps redefine what this game is and improve proves it. And one of the things that really bothers me is this community. This community is toxic and it’s full of cheaters. And what I mean by their toxic is if you tell a call of Duty Warzone player, I don’t like warzone because it’s full of cheaters. I mean, all you gotta do is go on TikTok and scroll on my for you page. I always see people just openly streaming themselves using wall hacks. But the thing that I will say, I.