Unveiling the Power of Vitamin C in Skincare: Brighten, Protect, and Enhance

If you’re looking to incorporate any active into your skincare routine
I would definitely start with vitamin C
it is a tried and true but
the biggest thing that I see
is that people are often disappointed in their vitamin C
that it doesn’t brighten them enough
and that is why it’s important to understand what a vitamin C does
so that you have the right expectations
Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that helps to protect your skin
proactively from the damage of the day
but also reactively from the damage that has been done
so it cleans up all the noise
plus she boosts your sunscreen
allowing it to work smarter for you and not harder and more wastefully
she’s the gale to Oprah if Oprah wears sunscreen
she’d be Gale she’s never gonna replace her
she’s never gonna be the superstar
but she really does hype it up
if you have any questions or comments
let me know in the section below