28-Day Plant-Based Juicing Journey: Getting Out of the 200 Pound Club

Good morning, y’all. Hey, listen, 2 weeks. For two weeks, I eat no meat. I eat no meat for 28 days. Okay? I am juicing and I juiced my juices last night.

I didn’t prep for the whole week, but I did get my today together. Okay, so let me show you what I did, what I get. Okay, I’m gonna show you all, but I don’t know how to turn this thing around. But I didn’t even have a chance to go and get a cooler because my life is so busy and I am in the middle of a transition. But even, remember I told you, even when life be life, it, you still gotta stay on top of your game, whatever you do, you gotta stay on track, you gotta stay with the goal.

Okay? And my goal is to get out of the 200 pound club.

So I gotta do what I gotta do because I’m not out of the 200 pound club. So this is what I did. But let me turn it around. Yeah, hold on. Okay, so I went and got me a stereo, a styrofunnel cooler from out the gas station. Okay, see, I’m at the gas.

Okay, so, and today I’m going, it’s early in the morning. So today I am going to eat my salad. I mean, this is my fruit that I’m a snack on. Okay. Okay. That’s my little fruit salad. I got honey at the bottom.

We got a dragon fruit, raspberries, blackberries, sponges, the dragon fruit, some grapes. That’s gonna be so good. And then I got my salad. Oh, that, oh, that is a fruit salad, baby. I got a spinach. What?

I got spinach, green peppers, cucumbers, all kind of good stuff. Gini ya. Namun jus udah sesungguh nya. Iya ada. I got my control.

The plan is to drink two, 32 ounces of juice a day, eat a salad and drink some fruit. So I ain’t doing no meat. I’m just gonna be plant based and I am just eating, drinking juice, eating fruits and vegetables, eating my salads. Just know me. I’m just not eating no meat. So that’s what we’re doing for the next 28 days.

But I didn’t have a cool, so I had to improvise. So your girl stopped at the gas station. And this is what I mean by do what you gotta do, okay? Because I bring it out the house. Let me show you up wrong. My juice out the house in a crate.

I said, well, I can’t keep my stuff cold in this cuz I didn’t. I hadn’t. I was looking at coolers just put in a car sometimes with $30,$40,$50 for the cute ones. I say I don’t have time for that. And we’re working on a budget.

Okay, so, hey, I improvise, went to the gas session, gave me a cooler, even though this thing was near $10. Get me a cooler, get me some ice, and I’m on a road because I drive all day, y’all. That’s what I do. I drive for a living. So when I drive, I don’t drive for a living.

I drive during the week, Monday through Friday. I drive patience to their doctor’s appointments. So, and I also lost 24 pounds in 21 days by juicing. So these next 28 days, I’m excited to see what I am going to lose. I am so excited. And I’ll be exercising and I’ll be on my supplements.

Oh, my goodness. I’m excited, y’all. Let’s go. Okay, listen, do what you gotta do, okay? By any means necessary, handle your business because it’s my goal to get out of 200 pound clip. It is my goal to be healthy. It is my goal to not have no problems.

I’m trying to stop even using the one in hell that I do use cuz I know no medicines when I was on the whole bag. Okay, so let’s get healthy. Let’s get wealthy, get your life together, get you a plan and stick to it and don’t stop. I’m not stopping. Let’s go, y’all.

Come on. Pray for me and I’m a pray for you. Hello. Okay. Thank you, buddy.