Grounded in Love: A Musical Journey with My Cheerleader

I hope people can listen to this project and,
and truly feel the same way that I did
when I was writing and recording it.
It made me feel at home. It made me feel grounded.
It brought me a lot of peace in the chaos.
4 by 4 by you, I know that’s a very personal one for you.
So who inspired this one? My boyfriend, duck.
I’m definitely trying to keep my people close
during a time of my life that is changing a lot.
Yeah, he’s,
he’s my cheerleader and my best friend.
And, yeah,
4 by 4 by you, I’m getting to sing about love, really,
like genuinely sing about love for the first time.
And that feels good. Did he know that song was coming
or did you kind of just surprise him with it?
He knew. He knew actually the day that we wrote it.
And he’s like, this song,
he’s like, not just because it’s about me,
ha, ha,
but this song is, is great.
So he’s been a fan of it for a while.
Do you turn to him for advice on other songs, too?
I do. You know,
he’s actually got a really good ear.
And that’s one of the first things that we bonded over.
We had very similar taste in music.
We both love Eric Church. And he’ll kind of introduce me to artists,
like even this artist named Zach Top who’s on the road with us.
Right. Now,
he’s the first one to tell me about him.
So I trust. I trust his opinion when it comes to good music.
He’s got good taste.