Title: Navigating the Nursing School Entrance Exam: In-Person vs. Remote Testing

How to get into nursing school.
So you’re gonna see pretty quickly
once you start going through the admissions process,
that almost every school requires some sort of entrance exam.
And most schools require what’s called the A T I T S.
Version seven.
And you can actually take the T7 either remotely or in person.
You can take it in person at your institution if they offer it,
or you can take it at a, like,
a facility, like a center.
And so a lot of students wonder like, okay,
what’s better? Should I take it in person or should I take it remotely?
Now, in terms of the actual test,
is it easier or harder? It’s actually literally the same exact test.
You will still only have a four function calculator.
You’re still gonna have the time limit
unless you have special accommodations
that you have already set up with ATI ahead of time.
What a lot of students are telling us over in our free study group
is that they are preferring to take the test in person,
especially if you are waiting until, like,
sort of the last minute to take the test,
simply because sometimes when you take the test remotely,
there can be like, a lot of technical issues that come up
that might be out of your control.
So, for example,
sometimes it’s a matter that.
Of there’s a confusion with the time difference.
And so it’ll tell you that a Proctor is Not available.
Um, sometimes the system will just have, like,
glitches, or sometimes it’ll require you to have,
like, a registration code,
and sometimes that gets lost in email.
So, like,
a lot of these little things that are not that big of a deal.
If you waited until the very last second to take the test
and then you need to push it back or basically reschedule it,
then you’re basically SOL,
especially if you’re on a tight deadline.
So if you are on a tight deadline to get into nursing school,
definitely consider just taking the test in person
at a facility or at your institution
instead of taking it remotely.
You’re gonna actually eliminate a lot of stress
because you’re not gonna have to worry about,
you know, being technically savvy.
You’re not gonna have to download the extensions.
You’re not gonna have to deal with the room scan or anything like that.
You’re just gonna show up at a school
and you’re just gonna take a test
like all of the other tests that you’ve taken before,
and it just sort of makes the whole thing a lot easier.
So that’s just our take on it. What do you think?