Behind the Scenes Drama: The Unexpected Story of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively’s Involvement in Film Production

We’re talking about Ryan Reynolds involvement of. Yeah.
In the film. Turns out way more than anybody thought.
Uh, this clip,
sadly, was blocked,
but it’s Blake on the carpet being like,
nobody actually knows this,
but my husband rewrote the.
The iconic rooftop scene,
which is the first scene that both Ryle and Lily are in together.
It’s the one where he kicks the chair.
It’s the one where they have their meet.
Cute or whatever. They all.
They, like,
get intimate by the end of the scene.
It’s a very important scene.
And Ryan Reynolds rewrote it.
Yes, she did say that.
So that seems like probably somebody on the crew felt snubbed by that.
So I actually. I mean,
imagine the writer.
Yeah. Haha. Director. Right. Yeah.
That’s some. I’m surprised.
That’s really unprofessional for her to say that.
Yeah. I mean,
and there’s actually. That’s something that could at least,
you know, within,
like, the Guild,
get her in trouble. Hmm.
Oh. Oh,
spoiler alert. Which guild?
The Lollipop Kids. Which.
Which writer’s the Lollipop Kids?
No, the Writer’s Guild.
Before we get right to that,
because that is a very pressing matter.
Okay, interesting.
Um, script writer Christy Hall told people magazine
that she was not aware that Reynolds
had contributed to any dialogue
used in the final version of the sequence.
Yeah, you can’t say that.
And hall actually. Yeah,
she handed her script in before the writer strike began.
So any edits?
That would come afterward because filming was during.
Oh, I didn’t think about that.
That added on top. That was a very bad move of her to say that.
So even if she should not be advertising that.
Yeah. Um.
Uh. Oh.
The quote that Christie Hall gave was very gracious, though.
However, she said,
there are a couple little things that I thought had been improvised.
Like when he says, pretty please with a cherry on top,
and she talks about cherries.
When I saw a cut, I was like,
oh, that’s cute.
That must have been a cute little improvised thing.
So if I’m being told that Ryan wrote that,
then that’s great. How wonderful. There.
There were a few little flourishes that I did not write,
but I assume that they had been improvised on set.
Oh, that’s what I just read.
She said she thinks they are wonderful.
And I also saw a clip of Justin Baldoni saying that
he also didn’t know that Ryan Reynolds had rewritten a scene,
but he is also grateful because he made it better.
That makes no sense. Yeah.
What’s. Who is someone?
When did he rewrite it? He did it. Like, he.
What, did he sneak the.
The. The script home one day and, like,
edited it in the fucking dark and then brought it back?
You know what I mean? Like, what?
The story makes no sense. Yeah. Yeah.
So Hollywood Reporter drops a little bit of a Bombshell. They, uh,
report that lively, actually,
she commissioned a cut of the film from Shane Reid,
who was the same editor who worked on Deadpool x Wolverine.
Assistant editor, not even the main editor.
So what ended up happening is the credit. Yeah,
the credits went to, uh,
Justin Baldoni’s editors, Una, uh,
Flower Tea and Rob Sullivan.
However, on IMDB,
if you expand the editorial department,
you can see that Shane Reid is credited as an additional editor.
So nobody knows how much of Blake’s cut actually made it into the film,
but he’s only credited as an additional editor.
So the rumor is that Blake hired her own editor.
But how does that even work?
How does he even get the footage?
Like, it’s like. No,
she commit. She has her own cut.
She, uh.
Colleen Hoover, actually,
and Blake Lively did a, uh,
an event where they showed Blake’s cut.
What, so she got a hold of the footage?
It sounds like the author is her friend,
so she’s like, you have to give her the footage.
It’s. She is.
She has a producing credit on it,
so she, you know,
which makes it make more sense than
she was just an actress. Is that weird?
Is that unusual that she takes the footage and does her own cut?
Yeah, that’s very weird.
Yeah. Right.
It seems like she’s not happy with the original cut.
Yeah, exact.
Kind of. Also, like,
sounds like she’s trying to Take over the movie?
Yeah. Stepping on his toes,
like times 10. Which 100% backs up what he said.
Like, I think it’s Blake’s turn to take over.
Yeah. I’m not doing that shit again.
I feel like that’s warranted if you’re trying to get the footage,
trying to reedit it. So, like,
she’s overstepping a little bit.
And in the next movie,
Blake would be the star again.
Is that how it works? I assume so.
I don’t know if it’s like, temporal.
Like, are we beyond the point of spoiling? Right,
I’ll just. Yeah,
my guess would be that it’s her and her baby.
Okay, so.
So my point is, is that if she’s the main character again,
then he would definitely be like,
I’m not doing that shit again,
cause I’m not gonna recast her.