Breaking Records: My Ketovore Carnivore Diet Journey

I have broken my personal world record in the history of the statement
Jess is on a diet hi
my name is Jessica I’m 37
I’m 36 years old
yeah 36
and I fail at diets for a living
it is a true fact that I am the worst at dieting
and anybody that knows me will tell you yep
she cannot stick to a diet anyway
I have failed every single diet in my entire life
I cannot get through 2 days
3 days I think the max I did was 4 days
except for this time around
I’ve been doing the Ketovore carnivore diet for the last five days
and I’m down five pounds and I’m so
so so happy
I started the carnivore diet on Monday
actually last week on Thursday
I did a Thursday and Friday
and it was amazing and then it all went to shit in the weekend
however I started again on Monday
and so technically I’m five days
today is five days day five
and I’m down 5 pounds and I’m so proud of myself because I
I set a goal for myself and I am striving to hit that goal
my birthday is coming up in two months
less than two months and I really
really really wanna hit that goal now
because I know that weekend’s coming up
my husband’s birthday is tomorrow
and going to be so challenged that it’s going to be so hard
however I’ve decided that on weekends
which is where I’m more most prone to break a diet
I’m just going to make healthier food choices
that means no tortillas no pan
no pasta just stick to proteins and veggies over the weekends
and I think that I can work with
one of the things that I did wanna bring up about this diet
is that I have absolutely no food noise
in fact I’m hardly ever hungry
but I eat cause I really wanna get in that protein
and it’s worked beautifully
and I yes
eating steak all day every day is exhausting
but I have been able to work and play with different foods
like bacon and meatballs and shredded beef instead of steak
like different kind of things
and it’s worked out pretty well
now the truth test of time is
is this just water weight or am I really shedding the pounds
I don’t know we’ll find out tomorrow
I’m done another pound today
so five total and so if I still lose more weight tomorrow
we’ve broken the 5 pound water weight ordeal
cause typically when you start losing weight
you lose 5 pounds of just water weight and then you get stuck there
so we’ll see what happens tomorrow morning
I’ll keep you guys updated
and yeah please help me stick with this diet through the week
weekend comment nice positive things so I can get motivated
and um
we’ll see what happens thanks for sticking with me
on this one and if you’re trying it
I wish you the best of luck