Unveiling the Discrepancy: The Absence of Reparations at the DNC in Chicago

Four days of the DNC in the city I was born and raised in
and not one mention of reparations.
Four days of the DNC in Chicago.
They talked about Trump, they talked about Project 2025,
they talked about various other issues that are very important,
but not one mention
of the systemic issues that impact people in inner cities
across the country,
particularly black Americans who live in these inner cities.
Four days of the DNC in the shot
and not one time did I hear them combined reparations
or countering systemic racism
in combination
with the various other issues that they kept mentioning
and repetition.
Four days of the DNC in Chicago and not one mention of reparations.
And justice for the survivors of the Tulsa race massacre.
The topic of reparations politically
is more popular and talked about
than it has ever been in recent memory.
The mayor of the city where the convention was held,
Brandon Johnson, just recently created a reparations task force,
for example. And
many of us have been following the progress that California has made
very closely. And on page 40 of the Democrats policy agenda,
they explicitly state that they will establish a national commission
to examine the lasting economic effects of slavery,
Jim Crow, segregation,
and racially discriminatory federal policies
for the purpose of pursuing truth and promote racial healing
and to study reparations. Furthermore,
they say that there can be no realization of the American Dream
without grappling with The lasting effects of slavery
and facing up to the centuries long campaign of violence,
fear, and trauma wrought upon black Americans.
Now that mostly talks about the study,
but it also implies reparations.
Below they explicitly mention providing seed capital
to help close that racial wealth gap
that is the result of systemic injustice.
So they mention it in their policy,
in their agenda,
but they don’t explicitly say it during a four day convention
in a city that has been ravaged by systemic racism
and has its own reparations commission.
This would have been a perfect opportunity for the Democrats
to implant that in the consciousness of the diverse Democratic Party.
Publicly acquiescence to white comfort can only last for so long.
It was crazy
as people would criticize me more for pointing out this flaw
than they criticize the Democrats for perpetually ignoring us.