Aloha from Funky Fluid: American Pale Ale Beer Review and Exciting Updates

Want me to be with you? Happy Friday to you.
You got yourself through another week.
I’m so proud of you. My out of office is on.
We’re off for a week now, Mrs. P.
So I’ve got a beer review for you.
Uh, Aloha from Funky Fluid
American Pale Ale at 4.5%.
Um, this was handed to me by the chaps at North Brewing,
uh, the Tap Room in Manchester,
and they catered a work event
and they brought a load of this with them
and I was like, yeah,
I’ll take some of this home.
Thank you. Um,
just to say as well, thanks for all the,
the love and support on the chatroom series.
First episode. Really appreciate it.
Some more already recorded as well.
What do you want next? Cooking with beer or getting out and about?
What do they call that series?
Bruising views.
Bruising views. Anyway,
the beer. That’s what it looks like in my track glass.
So you quite excited to have this one?
Cause I’ve had some sours from funky fluid,
pastry sours, and I’ve had some of their collaborative beers,
you know, over breweries.
Never an actual, you know,
pale or an IPA from them. And that is absolutely bang on.
It’s sweet and juicy, nice bit of kick to it.
Love the aftertaste. It smells great.
Oh, smells like a beer.
That’s absolutely bang on, that.
Hmm hmm hmm.
Booming. Well,
I’ll be through with that.
Might be a bit Too bitter for Mrs P.
But what have you got? She’s got Dipper from aspects.
We’ve turned it, ladies and gentlemen.
He, he, he.
That’s well worth a go.
Have a great Friday night.
Have a great weekend. Bank holiday weekend.
And, uh. Yeah,
I’ll see you on the next one.