Title: Family Drama Unleashed: Betrayal, Cat Escapades, and Heartbreak

I am so beyond fed up right now. You know, I don’t even care anymore. I give zero . Keith, what the are you thinking? I don’t get it. Okay. You are getting a divorce from your wife and you are making very poor choices and are very bad at hiding them. Just because I found out does not mean that you can just open up the door and let out all of my cats because you’re mad that I found out about what you did. This man let all three of my cats out. All three of them. Mother in law or whatever you wanna call them. Okay, long story short, me and my partner have four kids together. And this guy is my partner’s stepfather. So just to make it easier, yeah, I’m calling him my freaking father in law, soon to be ex father in law.

But this guy literally let out all three of my cats on purpose. I got two of them in. I’m still waiting for one of them that he knows I will probably never get back. And this isn’t the first time he’s done it. Want to know what like the first trigger was? It’s hot as balls upstairs. It gets up to like 80 degrees. I finally go down to figure out why he’s been setting this, the thermostat to 73 degrees. And I think almost everybody knows that like upstairs is usually six to 10 degrees higher than the bottom floor. So I moved it to 70. Well, he keeps moving it back. So then I kept moving it back. And finally, let me show you. I put this note on the wall. I have two kids with down syndrome, and I myself have mosaic down syndrome. When you have down syndrome, usually you cannot self regulate your body temperature correctly. So it is quite literally dangerous when it gets 80+ degrees in their room. But he gives zero . Like, I’m sorry, that’s quite literally child endangerment.

And then this was his response to that. Keep in mind the dates. It shows you how long he was gone, not here. So I was and I finally wrote back this, like, you cannot be mad at me as if I’m the one who did something wrong. I offered to pay you money and I simply made it known that I know your situation, that you’re not good at hiding. By the way, anybody who’s good at using social media could have figured that out. Also, if you wanna keep things hidden, maybe make sure that her family members don’t post pictures of everything, of what you guys are doing.

And Shelly, if you’re seeing this, I hope to God that this honestly doesn’t work out for you. I really hope so. I would feel so bad for you. I would feel so bad for your grandchildren. God forbid your kids ever lose their house and have to go through the same thing. I, it’s heartbreaking. It’s truly, I don’t even have the words for it. I don’t know how somebody could do this to people. Why bring innocent children into this? Why bring us into this? It has nothing to do with us.

Keep in mind, he told us way before the first day we were moving in, which keep in mind was like eight months ago, no longer than 8 months ago. He already knew that his marriage was not like stable. Okay, my mother in law has begged this man for a divorce so many times and then he would say no anyways, since he knew that his marriage was rocky. He told us when he was helping us move stuff into the storage unit because we were living here full time long term. He told us, don’t worry, if I ever get a divorce from her, you guys can still stay with me. You guys don’t have to worry about paying anything. I care about you guys. I love you guys. I just wanna help you out.

Well, now the time’s come and it’s no, these people are actually squatters. I never agreed for them to live here for more than 2 weeks. I’m not even gonna get into all of that. But anyways, currently what’s happening right now is, you know, I’m out here looking for my last cat. This guy is literally trying to make it so my mother in law goes homeless. And he knows that we don’t really have anywhere to go right now. We’re not in the situation to be able to just be like, hey, let’s go get our own house tomorrow. No, that’s not how things work in this economy. Like he’s literally trying to put his ex wife, his stepson, daughter in law, whatever you wanna call me, and his grandchildren. Keep in mind, who are 3,2,1 and 2 months old.

Onto the street, Shelly, if you’re seeing this, Cheyenne, if you’re seeing this, how would you feel if that was you guys? How would you feel? I know you’ve probably heard ridiculous stuff about us, which I don’t know what that would be. But knowing him, I can only imagine nobody like I wouldn’t wish this upon anybody. No one. Just get out, owl you can, because 10 years down the road, I guarantee you, it’s gonna be you.