Manifesting Quickly: Messages from the Universe for Positive Change and Abundance

Excited are you? Tell everybody how excited you are cuz you’ve been trapped in house for a week now. Yeah, she is so excited with that. So she look at a push. Yeah, look how she acts, who she’s at. She thinks she’s so tough. I love her, Laura. Love her.

Hey guys, so besides like, you know, you guys see, obviously I’m always gonna, ouch, talk about like what’s going on with him because it’s like my journey and my experiences and plus like to show people that when you want something, you know, you can get it approved. The universe will do what you need it to do. You know, talk to your guys. It’s another thing. Let me tell you something.

Lately I’ve been manifesting things very quickly. Like I’ll, I’ll be like, yeah, I really need a new mattress. And all of a sudden, like the people on TikTok will be like, hi, we’re promoting this queen size memory gel phone mattress. And we were wondering if you were interested. And I’m like, and I was like, I need, I really need like a scale right now.

I need to get my own scale. I got the scale. I really need something to work out. And I got this stopper. You understand? So this is my message to you from the universe, is that you are right now manifesting very quickly.

So have those positive thoughts, keep them in your pocket and talk about how I’m gonna get that. You know what I mean? I’m gonna get me a nice little s, you know, like a step for a scale, whatever it is that you need, because you’re manifesting very quickly. The doctors went great. You know, I love that he commented on my shirt.

He’s like, oh, you’re psychic. Oh, you see with your third eye. And oh, Luna, come on, Kaka, baby. That’s Kaka. And I said, yes. And he goes, I like that. I was like, okay, good. So then you’re not afraid of me.

He said, no. Why? I said, cuz, I said, whatever you do, I’m gonna know before you do it.

And if you do anything weird during surgery, like hurt me or anything, I’m gonna know. My spirit guys will tell me and the Angels will tell me. And he goes, no, he goes, I know that’s why he said, that’s why I commented on the Third eye shirt. He was very like, okay, I’m gonna tell you guys I had surgery on my shoulder, my left knee, and both times the older doctors, I always have great experiences with them.

Like they’re older, they’ve been doing it for a long time. They know what they’re doing. And, you know, they’re, that’s why they still practice, because they’re old and they’ve been practicing for a while. Also, he does cancer patients, reconstructive surgery for women who have lost their during cancer.

So he’s like good at shaping the boobs the way women want it. You know what I’m saying? So to him, a reduction is like easy peasy lemon squeezy. You know what I mean? So cuz, like if you have to construct a whole booth after someone lost it, it’s harder.

You know what I mean? So I want to see that. Okay, I want to see that. But what I want to see you guys is this. All right, this is your message. Yes, Luna. Okay, good girl. This is your message saying that you are manifesting fast, very quickly right now.

So, you know, keep those thoughts positive because you’re approved. You’re like spirits, like you’re approved. Like I’m asking spirit, what do I, you know, what do I say to them? Like, what’s the message? And they’re like, tell them they’re approved. Tell them it’s confirmed. Tell them it’s coming through.

Tell them they got it. Tell them to stop worrying because you’ve been doing a lot of worrying. And I was too, you know, a lot of worrying about a lot of things. But like now I’m kind of confident that things are gonna work out in my favor.

I really don’t have to worry, you know, and I, it took me a minute to get to that point. I was really in a bad place mentally the past like few months, right? Which is why I’ve been kind of like a little distant and stuff. But it’s okay because sometimes we gotta go into that permit mode to figure ourselves out, you know what I mean? That’s important to take that time, right?

That’s important to take that time. Yeah, this is why I’m giving you this message because Sperry has showed me a lot of people are healing like some trauma. The habits of stop barking you, she’s parking everybody cuz she hasn’t been out so long, cuz the heat. I can’t take her on that heat. She’ll get sick.

Come on, baby, over here. Good girl. I never seen her so happy looking. She has your baby. Who is your baby? How can we. Baby? Good guy.

I never see her so happy. I love her, you know. This is the time where your guides want you to focus on the positive. You see what I’m saying to you? Because you know, you’re worried about . I get it, man. I see the No. 5 right here, 5,0 and 5,1. I’m seeing those two numbers right there.

Okay, so you know, 5+0 is 5. So it’s basically a No. 5 for change. But you could look at No. 50 or 51. That could be an age or, you know, something like this. And then the No. 6, obviously, cuz I do numerology, whenever I see two numbers, I add them up and break them down to one.

So as you are processing whatever has been held holding you back from like clearing something like whatever been, you know, kind of you then going back to it or like it’s been a journey, a process with this person, these people or these entities, I’m hearing. And you’ve been releasing them. And it hasn’t been easy. And it hasn’t been easy. Oh, you’ve done a massive amount of release.

Come in, baby. One second pull. You’ve done a massive amount of release with especially the entities, guys.

You gotta focus, pay attention to how much work you’ve done. You don’t even know it. Some you don’t really know. But you need to know. You need to hear that. Someone needs to tell you, hey, you, I don’t think you understand how proud you should be of yourself.

That, you know, you should like be walking with your ass in the air and your nose in the air, but not in a stuck up way, in a confidence kind of way. Because how you have created from what you had to work with to like what you’ve done with it is phenomenal.

Like I’m hearing phenomenal likes I’m seeing like somebody sitting down and like writing stuff down. Like I did this and I did that and I made this happen, I made that happen.

And you need to know that your guys want you to know that you have done a tremendous amount of great work with yourself, with healing, with transitioning, with letting things go, with releasing entities, with releasing negative energies. And releasing entities and negative energies, and even really doing a lot that you probably are not fully aware of. So I’m telling you that you’ve done a lot, that you have created a great life for yourself, even though you’re still working on some stuff, like you’ve already created, it’s already happening. Your life in the future is now and it’s happening is what I’m hearing.

Okay, so I wanted to give you guys that direct messages from the spirit guys. See you to have faith and to believe that everything that you need, you have everything that you need. That as I saw that message yesterday and it says you have everything that you need to set on Angel number.

And I was like, you know what, I do have everything that I need. Why do him? Go crazy bugging out and stressing myself out about when I know demo, I got everything I need right here. You know what I’m saying? Like, I’m just like, why am I complaining? You know, I mean, so yeah, so now, you know, your health is about to change, about to get better.

Your money is getting bigger, your wallets can bigger, I’m hearing. Yeah, your pockets are getting fatter. I’m hearing that. So stop worrying and stop trusting. Okay? Cuz the confirmation is right here for you. So you don’t worry about it. We got you and we’re gonna, we got you covered.

I’m hearing. Take your time, be patient or I just got hit and I had so hard. When I said that, when I said we got you covered, I just got hit right on the right side of my head, which is a massive confirmation. Okay, so be patient. Take your time.

Don’t worry about it. What you need is coming to you right on time. Soon as you need it, you’re gonna be like, oh God, what if it doesn’t come? What does it come? If this common is and then all of a sudden right when you need it, look at this here.

Look at this here. Like, you’re gonna be like, what the ? Like, I needed this now. And everything that you need, your guides are bringing to you now I’m here.

Why you think all that stuff’s happening and all the aha, Luna Kaka, don’t touch that, mommy. No touch. Why do you think all that’s happening right now? Because you need it. Because what’s your next stage is your next level, right? Is you need all this stuff to come with you. So, and they like want you to like get rid of the old things and not bring anything from the past to this new present situation.

I’m hearing, I almost see like somebody who’s moving and you like wanna take everything with you because it’s like, oh, it has a sentimental value. Spirits like, yo, if you don’t need it, leave that , sell it, give it to someone, do whatever. Just let it go. I want, you want all new energy, all new vibrations in your life right now. That’s the vibe for you.

We want you to have new things. We want you to feel good and beautiful and positive and happy. And that’s what we want for you. So you got you. Do you want that for you? I’m hearing, cuz I know you do.

So now go ahead and get it, God, cuz we want you to be happy. I’m. I hear that again. You guys okay? I’m hearing somebody’s dad coming through and it’s funny cuz I used to watch this show. I used to watch this movie when I was little. I like it like that.

It’s cold. And I spoke to my. Diana, can you hear me now? When there’s a scene where the mother is like, I spoke to my guy, Lana, he’s like, my, I can’t hear you. She’s like, I spoke to my. And that scene is coming up to me.

So whoever this woman is, she would thought they spoke to me about it. Can’t you hear me now? She talks like that. So she’s in the spirit world, like very, like I’m hearing like thinner body. She’s got like a I see like short puff Sophia here looking like brownish. This is the I’m seeing the exact vision of her. And she looked like somebody who would wear reddish lipsticks.

And she’s a little thinner and probably more petite, but she’s like, really, you know what, you gotta be like, you know, I’m saying that’s, I’m seeing her be real active. Like that’s how she speaks and she wants you to know I got you.

Then I’m only here, you know, like that’s how I’m hearing it, you know, that’s how I’m hearing it. Okay. You like the gray hairs on me? Thank you. I decided to just let it grow because by now it’s up to here, the gray hairs.

I’m growing my hair also as well up to here. So I’m gonna let it grow as long as possible and then cut off like the dead ends and start, you know, fresh with brand new hair. Never died, never touched. Virgin hair, lovely hair. Come, I’ll hold you, baby. Come here.

It’s higher. Come to mommy. I hold you. I know you get tired cuz you’re a big baby. He’s just a baby. Look at her. She’s a mess. And I love her.

She gets very tired. Look at that for judge. She’s so cute. She got, look, she looks like her mommy with the gray hair. So my baby matches mama. I heard you. Don’t worry, I heard you. Okay, let me scotcha.

Yeah, so this is my little baby anyway, you guys know that. Alright, so I love you guys. Be patient, be believe and have faith and trust because I promise you what your guides got coming to you right now is luck, faith, abundance and positive energy. All right. Until then, I love you guys so much.

Yes, exactly. Billy, thank you. Thank you. I love that. I love gray hairs. I’m watching that show. Naked attraction on. It’s like a UK show.

You have to watch this. hilarious. So like people see each other’s private areas first and then they lift the gate up and then they see their chest area, then you get see their face and you pay people based off how you feel about them. Naked attraction is called his nudity and it’s hilarious. Some women go in there and like, you know, I kind of like the balls a little bit more, like with gray hats.

And I really like, you know, kind of like the balls a little smaller so I can suck on them, you know, I mean, alright, fine. I like a little so I can flick it. hilarious. Humans are hilarious when it comes to their likes and dislikes about the human body. It’s hilarious.

I found the absolute freaking pretty cool, you know, cuz I’m like that too. I’m like, man, I don’t like those balls are, you know, Sam, you know what I’m saying? You know, and even though my TAs are gonna have like a little scar on them, it’s gonna like a cat’s mouth, you know, the cat’s mouth little scar that cats, you know the cats how they have the smiley face it looks like an anchor. That’s what I’m gonna have on my today’s but I’m giving cuz I’m gonna love my new tas. I have my small tas and I’m gonna be able to be like, yeah, all right, Luna, we get it.

You’re tough. It’s okay if you can, she’s gone crazy cuz they’re building it, making noises. Alright, baby. Alright guys. So I love you.

Okay, so funny prior readings and I am doing a mini readings at 7:00 guys. So if you want to get your mini reading, I do the 40 dollar runs, which are a little longer and you get more information. I, well, I will be holding off on private readings, letting people book until I get my space to work out of. Luna don’t get always my space to work out of because as of now, I feel like that’s not something that I really want to be doing while I’m still staying here in this space where I’m moving out of. We’ll see what happens.

I’m working on it. So I might just, you know, post that I’m doing priorities again quicker than you think I will. So we’re gonna take our time. We’re gonna figure that out either way. That’s why I do the menu readings often because really you just need like a quick guidance.

But I do healing. I’m not just the reader, right? So if you book me. Wow, for a reading, for come Here, baby. Okay, if you book me for a reading, I’m not just reading you.

I’m gonna be doing like body to see like your health. What is your guide song about your health? What kind of plant medicine do they think you should be taking, drinking or, you know, what is there swelling here? And then I’m a healer. So somebody comes to me, it’s not just the reading, it’s a full healing session.

So, and I gotta stop, you know, thinking that my prices are too high cuz I’m a healer. You guys, people that have come to me for readings barely have to come back to me. They tell me all the time that one reading the site changed my whole vibration, my whole energy. Like I don’t feel like I have to keep coming back to you. You know, some of them do a lot of them do keep coming back to me because they’re the kind who like get the shorter readings and they, I become like their mentor, you know, so that’s kind of cool too. But for now, I’m gonna have to walk every day, lose this weight.

I love you guys and you guys have a good day. And remember what I said. Okay, levinly, I’ll see you guys tonight at 7. If you wanna still book the reading. There’s a, I put the, just look at the PA like in my post and then it’s like you’ll see it just say many ratings and then you could just follow the directions and you’ll be on the list.

I think I have about 10 people tonight. Alright, guys, I’ll see you later. Love you. Cookies. Bye. Casey poopoo.