The Betrayal of a Truck: A Tale of Sibling Rivalry

I bought my little brother a truck.
And no more than two weeks after I bought him a truck,
I saw him with my other brother at the baseball game.
And I was so mad, I didn’t talk to him for three weeks.
And my mom called me and said, hey,
your brother’s wondering what’s going on.
You haven’t talked to him.
I said, F him.
I bought him a truck, and he couldn’t even invite me to the Padre game.
My mom, who’s one of the wisest people I’ve ever met,
she said, what is it matter with you?
I said, matter with me?
It’s him. How dare he not invite me to go to the game?
Why did you buy your brother the truck?
Cause I love him. Huh?
You love him so much that he didn’t invite you to a Padre game
and you don’t love him anymore