Harvesting Energy and Finding Emotional Balance: Messages from the High Priestess

Good afternoon, good evening. Green rising. Whatever time it is, we all see this. I am your girl, the High Priestess, and I’m here to deliver you all the message for today. I hope and pray that all as well. I hope, pray that you all in great health and great spirits. I hope, I’m afraid that you all have taken care of yourself to the best of Europe abilities. I hope in pray that you all are enjoying this lovely Monday.

Yeah, I don’t know why, but I feel like I should say I really hope and pray that you all are harvesting the energy around this time. Take that as it resonates for you. You could be transmuting energy. You could be heavy on manifesting or really wanting some things to come into fruition or, you know, just I guess having like a little realization about things in your life or like analyzing things, making preparations, getting things in order, getting things in line, getting yourself in getting yourself in align, getting yourself in line or getting yourself in alignment, you know, however you actually see fee.

But with that being said, let’s see what I got for you. For some reason, I feel like some of you all are needing to take your time. I don’t know if you’re really needing to think some things through, not jump to conclusions or like rush to do things. Actually plan, actually have plans and preparations for things like not just going into something being blindsided or not really understanding everything thoroughly the way that you should. Or, you know, oh yeah, or maybe some of you all are having, you know, realizations about things having different levels of understanding, seeing things from what they are and what they should be or seeing things from what they are versus what they could be, either or take it high resonance, be enough for you to listen what I got you out of them.

Oh oke yang pasti. I don’t know if some of you all are feeling drained. Oh, Queen of cups is supposed to be about compassion and comfort, being calm, nurturing, healing, emotionally stable, intuitive and caring. So either you all are currently inviting this energy, or you’re about to start walking into this energy. You could be, you know, manifesting to be a little bit more emotionally balanced and stable, allowing yourself to actually take to allowing yourself to actually take the time to respond to something versus react, like actually listening to people, to actually listen, not just respond. Like you could be asking the universe to, I don’t really say watch your mouth, but you know, like not hold your tone, but just be careful and be mindful with like some of the things that you’re saying or like how you’re going about making decisions in certain actions, especially if you come down to your emotions.

Yeah, like, yeah, are we gonna like, I don’t know if some of you are a little too assertive. Either some of you all are too assertive or you’re needing to be more assertive. Like especially if it’s coming down to your emotions. Yeah, the strength cars coming out. So I, especially if it’s coming down to your emotions or like you may be feeling like your emotions are being tested or even your patience is being tested.

But whichever way the scales are leaning for you, I’m here to tell you that you can do it. You can make that difference. You can make that change. Like if you’re needing to speak up, stand up, do that. If you know that you’re needing to actually listen instead of just wanting to be heard, then now is the time to do that. Like this may be a period of, I guess I should say self realizations and how you perceive things, how you do things, like how you actually move when it comes down to maybe your emotional intelligence or maybe some of you all are needing to work on your emotional intelligence or like emotional awareness.

Hello, this one. Some of you all are needing to listen to better music. Like, I don’t know if you’re needing to listen to something that’s a little bit more. I don’t really want to say high vibrational, but like something that’s a little bit more inspiring, something that’s a little bit more uplifting. Music is, everything is filled with a lot of different frequencies. It’s filled with a lot of different tones, a lot of different melodies. And, you know, on a physical level, we have a fun with what we listen to. You know, we think it’s all cool and everything else. But when it comes down to it on a spiritual level, what exactly is in between the music that you’re really not picking up on, like outside of the lyrics, if that makes sense, if you get it. But yeah, I’m gonna see what the overall energy is for you all in it. That’s gonna be guessing. But for real, I really want to go back to that. Oh, that emotional awareness. Like, yeah, a lot of cars just fell on the floor. So I don’t know if you be like, I don’t know if I should say erratic with your emotions or like, I just heard a loose cannon or like you’re really just needing to balance out your emotions. Like why is something getting such a reaction out of you? Like, why is it such a triggering response that you’re giving? Like, what is the underlying issue that you’re not really addressing and so you’re acting now, I wanna say it cuz it was coming out and you acting out in terms of your emotions instead of sitting with those emotions, figure out where exactly is deriving from. How can you move better going forward? How can you actually work on yourself, your emotions, your mental, how can you implement different changes in order to actually be the best version of yourself?

Okay. At the bottom is page ones, inspiration, ideas, discovery, limitless potential, free spirit, explanation, excitement, and freedom. Like allow yourself to expand upon those emotions because you don’t know how much of a blockage you really is when you’re not really allowing yourself to expressing a way that’s not just like a reaction, it’s not just like a, oh, I feel like this, I’m gonna be like this. Like emotional loss, blocked creativity, emptiness, self love, intuition, and repressed emotions. Like, what can you do about this to get yourself like this, which yourself, like how can you work on your emotions to be in a more receiving and exceptive energy. Like, what is it that you can do to fulfill your own emotional cup? Like, what is it that you can do to actually make sure that you’re emotionally together? Like if something is draining you emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, if it’s draining you, period, what can you do about it? Are you gonna allow it to keep draining you or are you gonna do somebody? Right? So that’s if y’all TT shell, love y’all. And again, don’t let your emotions win and get in the way of a lot of different things. Okay? All right. Y’all take care.