Silk Bra Dreams: Unraveling Childhood Routines and Symbolism

Fun fact. Okay.
When I was younger, in order for me to go to sleep,
I would have to rub a silk bra. What?
Yeah. I’ll put my two fingers in my mouth.
And one. And on one hand.
And the other hand. I would have to rub a silk bra.
Had to be silk. And it had to be a bra.
I feel like Freud would love you.
This feels like something.
Like there’s something else.
Like, I don’t know,
the surface there between.
But what does that mean? Then why was I rubbing a silk bra at this age?
I don’t know. I want the bra.
Femininity, silk
and wealth, money.
You know, higher class.
Cause like you. Like there was a part of you that was womanana.
But it wasn’t. Like it wasn’t poor womanana.
God, no.