Seeking the Secrets of Mansion Owners: An Unsuccessful Attempt to Uncover Their Professions

Calling mansion owners to ask them what they do for a living.
The mailbox is full and cannot.
Please leave your message.
Hello. Hi there. Um,
sorry for bothering you. Uh,
I found your property online and uh,
it’s absolutely beautiful.
And who, who are you?
What is this? Um,
my name is Aaron. How’d you find it?
Where’d you find that place?
Um, I’ve driven by it numerous times.
I’m familiar with the area.
I just want to know what you do for a living.
I manage a tech company and also do investing on the side.
Would there be any chance that you’d be willing to give me a tour?
Just even the really briefly?
I’m honestly not in this property at most of the time anyway.
I’m not sure if anyone will be around for you at that point.
Thank you so much. Alright.
Okay. Bye bye.
Yes, I should have asked him what tech company?