FPL Game Week 2 Team Reveal and Strategy: A Closer Look at My Starting XI

So, FPL managers,
the deadline for Game Week 2 is just around the corner,
so I wanted to come on here and share with you
my team going into the game week.
So without further ado, let’s get straight into it.
So to start with, we’ve got a Nanana in goal.
He is my set and forget goalkeeper.
Um, last year
I had a lot of headaches with who to start between my two goalkeepers.
So this year I decided to go with, um,
one starting keeper and then just a 4 million pound squad filler.
So, uh,
a Nanana to start game week two.
Moving on to the defence and we’ve got Porro,
Robertson and Gravillo. Um,
obviously returns from Porro and Gravillo in game Week 1.
Um, Robinson,
I think, coming in.
Leicester at home this weekend,
it’s a really good fixture for him.
So I again am hoping for some returns out of all three of these guys.
Moving on to my midfield, I’ve got Bruno, Fernandes, Saka,
Gibbs, White and Mohamed Salah.
Very happy with this midfield.
Um, I think again,
all of them had opportunities to return last week.
Uh, Saka obviously had a monster haul,
as did Salah. Gibbs White was unlucky,
Bruno was very unlucky.
Probably should have had a goal or two in game week 1,
but I’m very confident with game week 2 and their fixtures.
So let’s move on to the forward line.
And then in the forward line we’ve got Munias,
Ezak and Selangi. Now obviously as you can see,
Selangi is red flags.
We had information today that he is not fit for game Week 2
after picking up an ankle injury in game Week 1.
Um, I have a few options here.
I can either start Jacob Murphy,
which is what I think I’m going to be doing.
Um, and then just put Selangi down to the bench.
My only issue is then losing value in Selangi.
He’s obviously going to be sold by a lot of managers,
which means he’s going to get a price drop.
Um, I don’t really wanna lose value on him
so I’m hoping to hold out to the deadline.
Um, and then the plan for me will be to go to Holland
and maybe downgrade Salah,
but that’ll be for another video.
But yeah, let me know what you guys think of the team.
obviously the captain song band is on salad for me having no Haaland.
Um, let me know who you guys have captained
and I’ll see you in the next video.