Reunion Reflections: Navigating High School Memories and Adult Realities

What the hell?
Just found out you can’t put TikTok Dancer on your resume.
No, I got an invite to my 10 year high school reunion.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Doesn’t that mean you’re creeping up on your twentieth?
Uncalled for. Can’t believe it’s been almost 10 years.
I can’t believe the cashier at target called me sir.
But time comes for us all.
Did you go to yours? God, no.
I’d rather lick a toilet seat. Why?
The extent of my relationship with people from high school
is wishing them a happy birthday when Facebook reminds me they exist.
You still go on Facebook? I don’t send a lot of happy birthday.
Do you think I should go? I genuinely don’t care, kid.
If you wanna go
reminisce about the time you accidentally called the history teacher
mom, be my guest.
enjoy your last few years with functional knees and a working back.
Cause your 30s are gonna hit you harder
than that dodgeball to the face
freshman year. No one’s gonna remember.
People don’t forget. The choice is yours,
Nick junior. I’ll just stay home.