Exploring the Meaning of Rizz and Stan: A Journey of Charisma and Fandom

Do you have Rizz?
Rizz? Yeah.
You got any of that? I have no idea what Rizz is,
but let me know. Let me.
Is it high def? Something on your camera?
Do you. Do you think that’s really what it could be?
Reactive insane summer sets?
I don’t know. Is that what it is?
I don’t know.
Rizz. Rizz is short for charisma.
A car. I have charisma, uniqueness,
talent and nerve. How’s that?
I’m a Stan. What does it mean?
A Stan? Yeah,
That means you’re Russian.
Like Stanislawski.
Standard. Your standard.
This is like a regular. Your.
Your regular guy. You.
You know what it is? Uh huh.
Yeah. Standard is Stan is, uh.
Is. This is the like if I said I’m a Moody Stan.
Oh, Stan, uh,
a faithful fan. Like a super fan.
A super fan. Super fan.
Oh, good Stan.
Yeah, I like that.