Unexpected Love: Finding Respect, Care, and Happiness After Past Hurt

Time. I love this. So, but if you’re different mom, Saturday night I experienced not my first positive, but like a major positive for me. We had a girl’s night planned and it was all fun.

File a subject, no problem. I look after the kids. And I did not expect to comprehend or happen next. So we went to this ladies 9. Very good laugh part way through. I message sounds like, oh, would you mind taking the girl’s home after? I was like, yeah, it’s fine. No problem. So thanks. Bye. Really appreciate it.

And then we get back and we’re all chatting and gassing and laughing. None. I’m quite the host. I like to make sure that everyone’s fed and watered, whatever. So I was like, right, ladies want some food? Should we do some food? It’s only gonna be random bits at the freezer. But do you want something? I’m Lady’s flat. Yeah, absolutely. But he was listening. So I come to the kitchen to do that and yes, straight away been told to sit down and he is take an overgun and check everyone’s. Once Nate, he made sure glasses were filled, did everything. And for me, it was a little bit surreal because I’ve never, I’m 34.

And we’ve been together almost 12 months, and obviously this is the first time we’ve had chance to get together because we’re all working mems, that kind of stuff. And it’s hard. It doesn’t happen overnight, but my gosh, hey, he made sure we were looked after. He made sure that my friends got home safely. And then the next day, when I was feeling sorry for myself because rosecco clearly doesn’t agree with me, he didn’t tell me how disgusting I was or anything like that. We laughed and we joked and he told me how he can’t decide if tired me or hung over me as killer and just those little things. And it’s, don’t get me wrong, this is the whole almost 12 months. I have daily reminders of how lucky I am. But my gosh, but be someone else. And as someone that had completely convince myself I’d be single for the rest of my life, to have somebody so amazing is unbelievable. And the bonus says my girls, they adore him. And it’s not a matter of, oh, it was around straight away, anything like that. It’s Emma, rough heat of his time. Like we did everything right. But then when I process it, actually he took everything into consideration and he took me and my girls the right way. And it, no. I suppose it’s just to say that it doesn’t matter what you’ve been through, how much you’ve been hurt, whether you’re male or female. There is somebody out there that will respect you, treat you right, and they will show you that actually this is how you’re supposed to be treated. And that’s absolutely fine. So don’t sell. So my mistake, the mistakes that I get, you guys are great and you’ll find them.