Koe Kennel Odor Eliminator Concentrate: The Ultimate Solution for Pet Odors in Your Home

Your house smells, and you probably have no idea.
I hate to be the one to break this news to you,
but your dog is making your house smell disgusting,
and this is the only way you’re gonna fix that.
This is the Koe Kennel Odor Eliminator Concentrate.
I’ve been using this for years,
and when I tell you it is the only thing that works,
first things first. It smells divine.
This is the apricot scent.
But also, it’s a concentrate,
so it lasts you forever. I’ve had this one bottle for over seven months,
and I’m not even halfway through.
Super simple. Squeeze the bottle and fill up this little chunk.
I’m gonna take about that much right there
and pop it in a spray bottle,
fill to about halfway. I’m gonna pour that baby in.
Easy peasy. And then I’m gonna shake it up,
and I’m done. I spray this on my couch.
I spray this on my bed. I spray this on my carpet.
I spray this in my car. I spray this everywhere.
It’s completely pet safe. It is made for pets.
And I’m telling you, your house will not smell ever again.
You need to get this.