The Disturbing Reality of Online Attention-Seeking and Exploitation: A Critical Reflection

My baby daddy did not want up me today, nothing. You know why? Because I lie to her. What the is this, y’all? What is this I have been seeing so much of this, Narali, and you know, Baby Daddy did on my for you.

And I gotta tell you, you know, I don’t really keep up with this, but just stopping on this video and seeing, you know, the first 5 seconds is like, is this the links? This is the I was talking about, like with the Adriel signer, disgusting, still out there Panhandle and begging. I see, you know, the God just like no self respect, no integrity, like the lengths people will go to stay relevant or you just don’t wanna work so bad that, you know, you gonna do whatever to make money here on the internet. You know, maybe I’m the dumb one cuz I’m not, you know, doing that . You know, they working smarter, not harder.

I don’t know. But I mean, I got way too much pride to be making a fool out of myself like that.

The clown makeup, the glorifying the DV with her baby daddy. There ain’t no way. If that was real, I think it maybe started his skits and now it really is, you know, a situation for this girl. There’s mental issues there, you know, and then they got the mom and the mother foot like what, turning the comments off just to, you know, drive traffic to the lives begging. I just, you know, , I don’t like what in the hell is going on, especially with that glorifying domestic, like, I don’t, I’ve said it.

I don’t understand that coming from somebody that’s been in plenty of relationships. It’s nothing to be glorified at all. Okay. And something that might, you know, he can’t just like E can, nobody watching. That’s a dangerous situation to be in. That can go from Kiki to real bad real fast.

I just, I don’t understand. And these are the people that get celebrated on here and people be f, you know, following and putting up on this and giving them your hard earned money. Like what are y’all doing to me? It’s just so clear. But like, I guess I, I, I don’t know.

I don’t understand. But I’ve seen this and I thought this girl is making a fool out herself. And God, somebody stop her. Like what in the hill? Like a lot of this is giving. Rent is due. Like we’re struggling. Her hair.

Seen another clip the other day of her bleaching her hair overnight and it fallen out. She’s all shocked. It’s like, eh, no, they ain’t nobody in their right mind doing that, you know, you ain’t that slow. You knew it was fun to come out. It’s like, it’s just the clickbait in the links.

I don’t know. Like, but how are people? I don’t know. I told you all I used to, the one person that I used to really follow like that was Mei Wei. And I seen the collapse of her even started out one thing and then it just got ridiculous. And now, you know, now she out of your bag and still it’s like what?

I don’t understand. I don’t even understand how people can bring themselves to that , especially when they got kids and stuff, you know, Adriel Sigler, I don’t know how in the hell she still, I mean, I feel like she commit in crimes like, I don’t even know. But anywho, I seen this and I just re, you know, I pray for this girl. I really hope that, you know, she gets her mind right cuz she do look like she in a bad situation. And again, whether that’s a skit or whatever it is, I think it’s gone too far.

You know, there’s other ways that you can s, you know, make some bread, okay, besides putting yourself out here like a fool, you know? And a lot of these people, they ain’t rooting for you, you know, they’re laughing at you. They’re, you know, this and that. You know, same thing I said with the Kane. It’s like, I don’t know, but I seen this and it was just disturbed.

I thought, here she go again. Like what? You know, it should be on their crying, you know. And what pisses me off is they get followers. That audience relates with that because they’re really going through like that. You know what I mean? And like, it’s not a game. I, I just, I really think it’s crazy.

Like she talk about she did they like, clearly this is to make money and I don’t know what this world just come to. I really the hell don’t. I don’t. But I hope she get the help she need cuz I’ve seen her prior to this relationship. She a real beautiful girl, you know, she really is.

But I didn’t see a hot SMEs. The whole thing is a hot estimate. And like I told Alaya before, don’t be giving your harder money to these people lying to you. Okay? Cuz she’s not as morally . Like I just, I don’t get it.