Title: Solving Math Equations in 6th Grade Math

Can you do some 6th grade math?
If 14 is subtracted from the sum of 3 x and 4 x,
and x is an integer, the result may be a multiple of.
Let’s convert this into an equation.
14 is subtracted from the sum of 3 x and 4 x,
so 3 x plus 4 x and 14 is subtracted from it.
And so let’s simplify this.
3 x plus 4 x is 7 x minus 14.
And the question is asking which must be a multiple of this?
Well, we find the greatest common factor between the two terms,
and the greatest common factor of 7 x and negative 14 is 7,
because we could actually factor 7 out.
That would be seven times X minus 2.
So seven must be a multiple.
Okay, guys,
pause this video and try this question for yourself.
So for this question, we do the same thing.
We have to find the greatest common factor amongst all three terms.
And what was that? What would that be?
It would be 8, because we could actually factor that out.
Eight times X squared plus 2,
x minus 8. So B is the answer.