Moving Forward: Overcoming Post-Wedding Blues and Starting Fresh

First of all, I’ve missed you more and I’m very sorry for being so Mia. I have just been in a crazy funk the past like two or three weeks. That was gonna drive me crazy. Who kind of warns me about the post wedding blues. But I didn’t think it would really affect me because I was like, we’re gonna get home from our wedding and we’re immediately gonna go into house hunting and moving and I’m gonna have so many things to preactive try my mind and something to do but it really hit me out of nowhere. And I have just been so unmotivated. I’ve been getting so behind on work. I’ve been getting so behind on texting, like responding to people. I, yeah, I just put in a funk. Wedding planning really was just like a full time job. And it was also a really good creative outlet where I was putting all of my like creative brain into making the best wedding possible. And now that it’s over, my brain is just like not functioning like at all. It’s been really hard.

But I do have to say today feels very different. I got up early. I did a workout outside with Dylan. I wrote in my journal like all the things that I have to get done today and I’m feeling a lot better. So I think it’s past. I think we’re back, but I am very sorry for being so just like not with it lately. Hasn’t just been TikTok. I’m gonna reach out to all my friends today and apologize for also being Mia and not checking in and not responding. I’ve just been like in my bubble, not wanting to do anything.

Today’s a new day. It’s a new week, it’s Monday and I’m feeling, I’m honestly feeling better for excited. I also think the whole moving situation has really impacted me. Like I’m very excited to be in this new house. It’s beautiful and I’m so excited to show you guys and do like the whole moving process and make new memories in a new home. But I’ve just been so sad about leaving this house. No, it sounds kind of stupid. We always knew this wasn’t gonna be our forever home because we’re renting, obviously. But I just have such a sentimental attachment to this house. Like we’ve made so many incredible memories in this house. And we’re gonna make like new memories in the new house and it’s gonna be amazing. But like this just feels like home.

And I think growing up and moving around so much and then like having my, the other home that I grew up in, like my high school home burned down, got shocked by lightning. I’ve talked about it a few times. Like this has been like the first home in a while and is the home that I built with Dylan. And letting go of that just feels really sad.

My mom often start crying. It’s fine. See, this is just in me lately. I’ve been so freaking and emotional, but it’s all good and I am really feeling better. Yeah, I think today I’m really gonna start like one catching up on work and doing a bunch of things that I just need to get done in general. But like, I think I’m also gonna somewhat start the packing process. I think just like getting started on that is gonna make me feel a lot better and like getting things organize, getting things cleaned up, everything vital seasoning running on Amazon. I ordered a bunch of stuff to actually start the process. Like I have fake tiles in my bathroom. I’m like, that’s gonna be a nightmare to remove. I know it’s gonna be so sticky. So I ordered like the Google and stuff. I ordered stuff to fill holes once we start taking picture frames down and decorations down. So, and once we just start the move, I’m gonna be, I’m gonna feel a lot better. We’re gonna be selling some furniture, getting new furniture, which is gonna be fun. So I have to start like cleaning that up and like taking photos of everything that we’re gonna be selling. I also, we’re getting a new bed. We’ve never had a king mattress before. We’ve always had a queen. So we wanna get a king mattress for this house. If you guys have any mattress recommendations, it’s been a while since we’ve bought one. Let me know. I don’t even know where to start with the whole mattress shopping. Like, do I do it online? Do we go into a store and just lay on a bunch of actresses? Like, I don’t, the reason why that’s on my brain right now is because I was looking at mattresses last night and I was like, this is overwhelming. I don’t know what to do. Don’t like . I like soft, random.

Anyway, our top cost to just really start the day out, right? Also, things about to be that time of the month, hence the crazy emotions and just like being think that’s added to the I’ve been feeling whatever. Not today, baby. Anyways, I love you. I’m so sorry for being Mia. Thank you for those who checked on me. I’m fine. I’m back. And enjoy.