Lakeside Tales and Summer Vibes: 5 End of Summer Book Recommendations

these my 5 end of summer book recommendations
why do people do this if so
people keep watching the video right
I kind of hate it
Tom Lake and Patchett
this is just generally my summer recommendation all the time recommendation
make you feel like you’re living on a charity farm
it’s also the best book about mothers and daughters
about acting about sexy times around the lake
actually don’t like summer
um I spent a lot of summers mentally ill
physically ill generally not feeling very good
and this is a new book by Kate Weinberg called there’s nothing wrong with her
it is a novel about chronic illness
it is the book I would recommend anyone who’s ever struggled
or known someone who struggled with illness or mental illness
it’s also just a absolutely brilliant novel
1,000% Alice Smith the Accidental Alice Smith is my favourite living author
some of her books quite tough
I say this is definitely the first one that you should read
it is set during summer it’s very good
Summer Vibes has a great scene about hating love
actually uh
it’s one of my favourites all time
about 12 by Sarah Langham
can’t recommend it enough
I usually don’t like kind of futuristic near future dystopian
but this is just done in such a good way
it is really political without it feeling political
poignant amazing thriller
genuine twists love it
I’m gonna compromise for Cathy who wrote flashes in trouble
this is ugly the book of the summer
you’ll have lots of people to talk about this with
but I can confirm it’s just amazing
she’s genius writer
did I do it did I do a book video