A Day in the Life of a School Physical Therapist: Navigating Equipment and Misunderstandings in a Shared Space

oh I wanted to talk about this
I am not allowed to make any social media content at my place of employment
otherwise I’ll be terminated
so that’s fun but let me tell you about what people can do
I’m a school physical therapist
and the OT and I share a room
and for summer school
all of our equipment got moved to the room at the high school
and we had things like a big swing frame that had different swings on it
but one of the swings was like
basically just a spandex hammock
the kids can get in and hide
we have therapy balls and bolsters and
and we have a sensory canoe
like in the original posters video
and the first day of summer school
the director of summer school
who’s a high school special education teacher who I don’t even really know
walked in my room stopped dead
made eye contact with the canoe
and said what is that
and I said it’s a canoe
what do you think it is the kids sit in it
and then he looked to the swing
goes I
what do you guys do in here
and I said we do therapy
of course we do therapy what do you think we do in here
and he just hammered and then he finally said
I have to leave because this is making me
so your equipment makes me uncomfortable
and then the next time he came into my room
he continued to stammer on
about how my equipment looks like it is used for adults
recreational activities and resembles parts of the female anatomy
but me talking about what I wear to work
would be inappropriate in the school setting