Sims 4 House Review: A Detailed Analysis of Design and Layout Choices

I’m the greatest builder in the Sims 4.
And today we’re gonna go ahead and review your house.
So here is a 3 60 of the exterior of this build.
And I will say, starting off,
I think that there is a lot of things I currently do like about it.
The colours are a slay.
But I will say that the roof pitches aren’t the greatest.
Like this one right here
would look much better if it was a little bit taller.
And I don’t like how the fact that this right here
stops halfway through the build.
It should go all the way back to the end,
in my opinion.
Or lower it so that way you can’t see these two different sizes.
Now, overall,
this has a really nice layout to the house.
I personally
don’t like the front door being right across from the kitchen.
Controversy, I know,
but I don’t think you should open up a house into the kitchen.
But I do think the colour scheme does look pretty nice
compared to the outside. One thing I will mention though,
it is kind of awkward
that the only bedroom in this house is a lofted area.
And I feel like this house is a bit too big for just that.
I do really like the staircase that you did,
but I don’t really understand why this piece of artwork is right here.
Um, this little sitting area is a bit awkward in my opinion.
I probably would make it into an office or something instead.
The kitchen itself is pretty cute,
but I would have recommended
maybe finding out a little bit different of a layout
because I feel like this little area right here is a tad bit awkward
and kind of cramped. I do generally like the shape of the family room.
I thought you did a good job in here.
I have nothing bad to say
other than the fact that little glitch right there is bothering me.
But that’s not really your fault,
that’s just the game.
I totally lied and thought this is only one bedroom house
but I forgot there was one down here.
I do like the idea of having that little closet separation area
right over the backside of the room
and then the bathroom itself.
Decent layout. I don’t have any complaints about this either.
This could be personal preference.
I do not like the shape of this pool at all,
and I think it’s kind of awkward to have the ladder right here.
I would have just made it a square personally
and then just either not had a ladder
or put it on like this end instead.
I will say I do like the top floor a lot.
The only thing I would probably change about this
is maybe all placing the bed over a little bit more
so the curtains don’t clip in.
But I do think the layout of this is Pretty good for the most part.
So I can’t really say much about this.
So, overall rate this house,
I think the outside is probably giving a seven out of 10.
There’s a couple of things I don’t personally like about it,
but I think that it did do a good job overall.
And then for the inside, aside from a couple of just design points
that I personally don’t care for,
I think he did an overall really good job.
I would say the inside is maybe a 7 out of 10.
So, yeah,
not a bad job with this house whatsoever.
I think that you’re on your way to making yourself a very,
very good builder. If you would like to go ahead and have a review done,
leave your EA account down below.