Unpacking the Challenges of Trolling and Entitlement in the Modern Election Cycle

We might as well use Chris here because he is just continuing to troll.
And I think he is really a good example
of one of the major challenges we see in this election cycle.
There’s a lot of dude who have big feel.
Just scroll through my video
and see the number of comments Chris has made.
And he’s commenting into the abyss
from a position that’s somewhat tenuous.
If you think about the people who are in their 50s,
they have seen so much change in their lifetime,
especially if they’re white men,
you know, Chris mentioned again that he wanted to see Beyonce.
He’s gonna watch Kumla Harris.
He’s thought of himself for all these years as one of the good guy.
Well, at the same time
basically thinking he deserves the right to tell any woman what to do
and get real emotional on the internet
while telling me I’m the emotional,
I’m the one who’s upset when I haven’t gone to any of his video,
I haven’t commented on any of his art,
just his PR and marketing,
which is what he commented on for me.
So he wants different rule,
he wants different system,
but that’s also placed by the fact
that he was raised in a different world,
and he’s having a really hard time with the way the world is now.
Don’t be like Chris. Change.