Love Blossoming at the Airport: A Sweet Story of Unexpected Romance

I want to kiss you. But this is kind of weird because I.
There’s an audience. Are you cool with that?
Yes, absolutely.
And so we kissed, and they hooped and hollered.
It was, like,
Thanksgiving week, so she was going back to visit family in Chicago.
She was like, what if you just pick me up from the airport?
And I was like, yeah, okay.
And I was like. And so she just screenshotted her flight information,
and then just then, I just had to send it off and cross my fingers.
Went to go pick her up, and I picked up flowers in the way.
And I was like, is this cheesy?
I don’t know if this is cheesy.
I don’t. I don’t.
I don’t know. I met her,
and she, like,
gave me a hug, and she was like,
they don’t sell flowers at the airport.
I wanted to get you flowers.
I decided to draw the flowers.
So this is very sweet and my favorite thing.
And we’ve been together for three years. 300 more to go.