Sims 4 Builder’s Review: Rating a House Build – Constructive Critiques and Recommendations

I’m the greatest builder in the Sims 4,
and we’re gonna go ahead and rate your build.
To start off, I feel like the outside of this is not terrible.
When it comes to the actual shape of the house.
I personally don’t like the roofs that much.
Way too many pitches, and I’m not gonna lie,
it’s giving weeds for the landscaping.
For the layout of the house,
it looks like we have a garage,
a bathroom, a kitchen,
a family room, and a dining room.
And then in this sad little basement,
we have a sitting area, a bathroom,
a bedroom, and I have no idea what that’s supposed to be.
There’s literally a dresser only in here.
First thing I hate about this house is the lighting.
There is so many of these huge saucers everywhere.
And I noticed that there’s literally inside of this door right here,
there is a light bulb. There is a light right inside the store.
I’m gonna assume there was a car inside of here.
But I do like the garage. It’s very purposeful.
Besides those lamps, those are trash.
A huge complaint I have with this house, though,
is also the fact that it’s very,
very dark on the inside. I don’t understand why
the majority of the lights are inside of the dining room.
That’s the only place there’s really windows
in this entire top floor of the house.
Side note, for the basement,
I would get rid of This wall.
And make this whole area into a family room space,
if you wanna go ahead and do that.
Cause this awkward layout right here is just not cutting it for us,
babe. I think I’m missing some CC that you might have,
but I do really like these sofas in that rug.
And this kitchen is very, very cute.
Aside from the fact that there’s no wallpaper.
But that could be a me thing and not a you thing.
And yeah.
So to rate this house on the exterior,
I probably give it like a 7 out of 10,
aside from the roof being kind of shit.
And then I don’t really like the actual landscaping.
And from what I see with the decorating on the inside,
I’m gonna say maybe a 5 out of a 10.
There is some items I do like,
but I think that the use of space could have been much better.
Like, I don’t think we need two dining rooms.
Get rid of this one right here
and make that into the bedroom
instead of it being down in the basement,
in my opinion. And then downstairs.
I feel like you kind of got bored with the build.
It’s very, very sparse,
very empty. And I feel like we could have done a much better job.
So I guess to round out the build itself,
we’ll give it a 6 out of 10.
If you want me to go ahead and rate Your build.
Put your username down below
and we can see what we can get for the next one.