Defending Dahmer: The Strategy to Prove Insanity

We’re the court appointed attorneys for Jeffrey Dahmer.
Hi. Paul Allen.
Thanks for coming,
Jeffrey. What is it that you wanted to see us about,
gentlemen? I think I found a way to convince the jury that I’m insane.
Is that really a concern, Jeff?
I think in that area we’re doing pretty well.
Yes, we are confident that the jury is going to find you insane.
Well, that’s easy for you to say.
It’s my ass are gonna Fry.
Well, we just feel that the cannibalism,
together with a box of bones
will prove that you were mentally ill at the time of.
I’m glad you guys are so confident.
I’m not so sure.
All right, let’s stay focused.
Our problem is
we’ve got three days to get that jury to believe I’m out of my mind.
Jeff, we have a psychiatrist from Northeastern University in Boston
who has agreed to testify.
Okay, here’s my plan.
I go in there, money and Monday or money
looking really depressed like this.
Then I start talking to myself in an imaginary language,
like De Niro did in that sitcom taxi.
Who you talking to? You talking to me?
You talking to me? What’s the matter with you?
You talking to me? You talking to me?
Hey, who you talking to? Me?
on the way back to the holding area,
I let out a little bark and a yell. Like this.
Jeffrey! Jeffrey!
Mr. Donner,
if you will please just take Your seat, please.
Jeff, if you’ll forgive me,
I think you’ve been overthinking this.
My best legal advice is that you go into that courtroom,
relax, and just be yourself.
Now, when you’re found insane,
if. If my found and say you will be committed to a mental institution,
hmm? After a year,
you can petition for your release. Hmm.
Let me see if I understand you correctly.
You’re both pretty confident I’ll be found in safe,
is that correct? God. God.
I spent a year in a nun house,
and I can petition to leave.
You mean it’s not easy? No problem for me.
Yeah. What are we gonna have to do with you?
What do you mean?
By the way,
that reporter from A Current Affair is here to see you today. Yes.
Oh, okay.
Well, let’s settle in. Right.
Hi. Nice to meet you.