A Culinary Adventure on Mother’s Day: Exploring Delicious Italian Cuisine at Tea Tarum Taru Terum

Okay, hello, dear friends. Google afternoon. Such a beautiful afternoon. So Mother’s Day, last weekend, it was Mother’s Day and our family decide to go out to a restaurant to eat. And it was so beautiful. It was so beautiful. It was a beautiful die, a beautiful day. And a lot of people in the street. And this restaurant, it’s also very, a very lively restaurant. I have been there one time, I think maybe only one time. And I know this is a kind of a very lively restaurant. There is a good vibe of this restaurant. So we have been here and in the terrace, in the backyard, a little bit of a backyard, and it was so lovely, our memory. So my family said we can go there. And it’s made me so happy. And the neighboring has a coffee shop. You go through this narrow alley, very narrow, almost, almost, you almost two people cannot pass by. And this coffee shop looks so yeah, so full of taste.

Anyway, so we had a wonderful mother’s Day lunch. And in the streets, there are a lot of people and mothers dressed up beautiful. Many families must be thinking the same thing, to respect the mother of the family and come out to enjoy. It was very beautiful. So this restaurant is called Tea Tarum Taru Terum.

And I did not know, so I said, what food is this? And then my fan, my family said, this is a restaurant in California Street. And this place, this street is called California Street. And then I said, but what food is this? And he said, are you joking or joking? Yeah, I was not joking. I really did not know. And then he told me, this is a Italian restaurant and famous for the pizza and everything. I did not know anything about restaurant. Every time I always say I go to eat a soup and my family will find some fancy alamod, a soup place and things. And so I feel I am so not knowledgeable. So one of the starter meal is seafood salad. I ordered, actually, this is a Mother’s Day special is called Insulada, the Marine. Anyway, seafood salad. I will not struggle with it. Termarina Termarina. Anyway, is a seafood salad. My family always do this salad and we got inspiration from this salad. He said seven years ago, maybe seven or eight or six years ago, we went to sail in, sailing in Italy. And what island? I forgot the island. Anyway, we were sailing in Italy, beautiful place with beautiful food. And we had eaten this seafood salad. It was so delicious. So we may came back home. My family bought particular a cookbook to learn how to make it, a recipe book. And we made it very good. He made very good. But this time, even he himself said, okay, beat me. This one is even better.

And something make it special is that the seafood is, I do not know how they cooked it. It’s just a few that it’s soft. It’s the marinating is more flavorful. I feel that they cooked and then they marinate for a relatively longer time. All they cook in slow fire, all they cook in longer time. Anyway, there is something make them make this food so much more flavorful and every single drop of flavor is penetrated into the seafood. It’s not true, it’s not a gummy is just perfect. And at the end, the finishing touch is some fresh vegetables, such as salaries and maybe something else. I do not know. It’s my family told me there are something else, maybe some carrot and very small, teeny, tiny little cut. And it’s not overtaking the seafood flavor. It’s not messing up with the texture, and it’s compromising and uplifting. Just perfect. That one is perfect.

And the next one is fava bean and stir fried vegetable. If I say that stir fry, maybe the went ungrill and it’s a it’s relatively a warm or a cool dish. It’s not cold, definitely not out of refrigerator and it’s not hot out of the pan. It’s kind of the food you can put aside and let it just, the flavor slowly get keen and it’s warm. It’s just perfect for such a hot weather. And the finishing touch is Parmigiano for Marsh.

The best thing about it is actually those favour beans. Green, very green, very fresh and not at all any old and rehydrate. The flavor is so good. It’s very good. That is another very good one.

And the coming one is another, let me see the picture. Okay, so the coming one is maybe canoli or something. I forgot the name. It’s kind of a tube of pasta tube with stuffing. And stuffing is cheese and vegetable, maybe spinach or something. It is a topped with tomato sauce and tomato sauce and Parmigiano or some other cheese. I do not know exactly the name of the cheese. I do not know exactly the name of the vegetable. And it’s hot. I mean, temperature hot. It’s very hot. It is out of a hot oven, hot pan and very hot in temperature, but not spicy. This is not a spicy dish. And the good thing about the tomato sauce is that you can feel that it is a fresh tomato cut dice and then they cooked. And there is something that the canned vegetable just does not provide that freshness and very, how do I say it, very soothing because it’s not spicy, it’s not salty. It’s very original, very comfortable and could be a baby food, could be a grandma’s a food. It’s just something brings a lot of family and home, a feeling. And they also have a French fries. Of course, I will order a French fries at the side. And it’s crispy and good. Yeah, French fries. What? How can you go wrong with French fries, right? It’s that there is no wrong with French fries.

And then we had another one is Brazeno. Brazeno is a kind of fish. I think my family particularly like this fish. It’s because there was three years ago, two or three years ago, we travel to Greece and my family ordered this dish Brazil. And we found it so good. I think it’s kind of a river fish and not many bones and it’s tender and still there is texture of the meat. It’s not like rock called codfish, which is much more firmer and chunky. And it’s not like a soul fish, completely soft and no texture. It’s between them. And you grill it, it’s, it becomes very good.

And I remember the time we ate it in Greece. It was under the hotel. That’s it, Airbnb or hotel room. And just downstairs of the hotel is in a small alley. And I can still remember, I can see from my hotel room to see the people eating downstairs. It was so fun and it was a good dish. And then we have a, yes, and then we had a pizza, of course. And the pizza is excellent. How do I say it? Because the dough is fresh and there is nothing complicate in the pizza. I remember the other time when we ate the pizza in Italy and it’s very different from the pizza in other places. It’s very simple. It’s very much like Chinese food. When we eat Chinese food, I mean, Chinese food is my home food. It’s absolutely simple, nothing complicated and just purely delicious and fresh. And this is something you get a feeling to eat that pizza. There is nothing complicate. Some tomato sauce and a piece of barata or a piece of other for mesh on top of it. And when it is done, put a little bit, a few pieces of BA BA, BA BA, basil leaf and things like that. And it’s a, it’s very thin and all the flavor is on it. And to see soft, the edge is crispy. And you can eat all of them. You do not need to waste the edge. Everything is Asia is to the best.

When you enjoy the pizza crust, the edge, if it is well done and done with good execution, with good material, it is very enjoyable. And this is, that is very enjoyable.

And one pizza, marinara. The one in front of your eyes is the marinara and another one, pizza tarum. I think it’s a pizza tarum. It’s a pizza with a few pieces of a special kind of salami. And I loved more. It was a beautiful day. And oh, my goodness, my stomach is starting to make some reaction. It was a beautiful day, a very lovely family experience together. We are all very happy. And that’s it. Enjoy your day. Bye. Bye, friends. I love you. I really do go by you. Bye, banana potato.