Breaking News: Sonic 3 Trailer Release Date Revealed & Shadow the Hedgehog’s New Look Unveiled!

The internet cannot believe this.
We have just found out what day the Sonic 3 trailer is coming out
and we got a new look at shadow the Hedgehog.
So let’s talk about it now.
In the past, there’s been a lot of speculation from me and the internet
on when this trailer is gonna come out.
However, this is not speculation.
This is from one of the most reliable news sources for trailer date.
So this is pretty much guaranteed.
Before I tell you the day,
make sure you’re following me for more Sonic updates.
And first, let’s look at the shadow design.
This pop up was spotted in someone cinema
and this is what shadow is gonna look like in Sonic 3.
And oh my gosh does he look amazing.
I mean, let’s be real,
anything’s better than the original Sonic design we got.
But I do think this is the best out of all the Sonic characters
that we have in these films.
And what’s incredible is that when I picture this guy,
all I can hear is Keanu Reeves voice
and we haven’t even heard it yet.
This movie is gonna be one of the all time greats.
Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for.
When does the Sonic 3 trailer release?
To ease your mind, this information comes from Daniel RPK.
And if you watched any of my videos,
you’ll know that he is one of the most reliable sources
when it comes to Trailer dates
he posted that the trailer is coming on Tuesday.
Next week. Next week. Let’s go!